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Everything posted by Hayez

  1. Hayez


    5 Ghillie suits, seems legit.
  2. I'm 16 and seems like exactly what i've been looking for, Im English and as Experienced as you. Skype - Hazeyybpeu
  3. Im 16, English and looking for 1 or 2 people to head to the North West Airfield with me, im currently just out of Elektro, it's pretty boring walking long distances alone so If you want to come loot the airfield with me then join this ts3 channel - Im in the Group 4 Channel. (Would help if you speak English)
  4. Hayez

    Incredible luck

    you are one lucky bean hunter.
  5. Hayez

    Looking for a clan or squad.

    Good Luck to you.
  6. Hayez

    looking for a partner

    Im english, 16 and looking to head towards to North west airfield with someone to loot some good stuff, add my skype - hazeyybpeu im mature.
  7. Hayez

    flip vehicles

    Please make a flip vehicle option. The amount of times i've flipped vehicles which have taken me a very long time to gather the parts for. in before the bad driver comments.
  8. Hayez

    Anyone interested in this?

    Sounds like a good idea, I'd be up for that. It would probably be pretty hard to arrange and organise though.
  9. Hayez

    Ghillie suit question

    seems legit.
  10. Awaiting the new patch to counter ALT F4GS.
  11. Hayez

    Project Freedom: Recruiting

    I posted my application on the other thread
  12. Hayez

    Project Anarchy: RECRUITING

    Age (Be Honest): 16 In Game Name: Hayez Country/Timezone: United Kingdom GMT+0 Are You Active?: Yes Experience In Dayz: Month+ Have You Worked In A Team Before?: Yes a small 4 Man group, invading NWA etc. Skype?: Hazeyybpeu
  13. Hello, I've been playing DayZ for a while now and I'm coming to realise that I can't go around as a lone wolf forever, I would like to join a serious group. IGN - Hayez Age - 16 Nationality - British (GMT+0) Teamspeak/Skype/Vent - Yes Online hours - Rainy Days otherwise usually on in evenings. Skype - Hazeyybpeu
  14. What's the ammunition? Methane?
  15. Skype - Hazeyybpeu Im british
  16. Would like to join a group also, have been searching for a team for a while now, skype - hazeyybpeu