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Eazy-E (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Eazy-E (DayZ)

  1. Eazy-E (DayZ)

    Warning to new players!

    Ahaha omg that made my day, Sir :lol:
  2. Um, I never got teleported or even seen a hacker in this game, my friends neither have, and we play several hours a day :huh:
  3. I don´t, what can you find there besides other well geared jerks hunting for some numbers in their stats? I´m alive since 9 days now, have a strong team with me (4-8 pretty geared and experienced players and vehicles) and we strafe from Berezino, Stary Sobor to NWA and back, just farming crash sites (still no night vision, tho :( ) When we encounter other players, they usually ran away when they see us :D We just gather vehicles and looking for some helicopters, I have ZERO murders and 100% fun :)
  4. Eazy-E (DayZ)

    P2T Hotkey

    I prefer to use the ^-Key, right next to 1 (german layout) in all games and Teamspeak, cause this key is almost never bound to any ingame commands and pretty near to W A S D :)
  5. Eazy-E (DayZ)

    this forum seems annoying

    You, Sir, made my day! Want suggestions to improve the game? Well, creating cry topics about how bad the forums are isn´t that helpful either, buddy - I facepalmed
  6. Eazy-E (DayZ)

    [Tutorial] 2 metre poster of DayZ map

    Kudos for that, man, but the link isn´t working actually :P
  7. When you´re tryin to zoom in via right mouse button when watching an Episode of a Lets play: DayZ on YouTube
  8. No hacks at all, just some bugs in the ArmA2 engine, I guess - this happened to me and friends several times ago, on different servers... Seems like that appears more recently after the latest patches =/ Try changing resolution and level of 3D details from high to low and back, fixed it for me sometimes, but I had to change server more than I got it back working
  9. Eazy-E (DayZ)

    My pistol won't fire? :/

    I had this issue, too. Got it workin when I dropped the gun (near empty cans or some other gear) and picked it up again. This should fix it :)
  10. Eazy-E (DayZ)

    Looking for Friends! Europe

    No problem, man, just try to stay alive :P If you´re ever in trouble and need help or just hanging around in Berezino, Stary Sobor or that area, let us know, we´ll help you out, sir :)
  11. and now you´re dead... if someone is pointing his gun at you, kill him! Show no merci if they don´t answer to direct chat, they´ll kill you by a chance of 99,5%
  12. Eazy-E (DayZ)

    Looking for Friends! Europe

    We´re a group of 3-5 fairly well equipped players from Germany, you can join our group, if you like (anyone is welcome) - We farm and hunt in the areas between Berezino, Stary and the NWA - sometimes we meet some other friends on other server to heal up or exchange gear between players - as I said, anyone is welcome! You should bring up a microphone / headset cause we use to communicate via teamspeak
  13. Eazy-E (DayZ)

    So... I'm practically dead.

    I hope u had a good time, cuz you´re goin to die alone outthere - simply respawn and try harder next time, buddy :)