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About crazyshadowdami

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  1. is sp still disabled? and do guns still do low damage since OA 1.62 patch?
  2. crazyshadowdami

    Could Day Z be a successful standalone game?

    in this game, i try to survive. in real world, i would probably kill my self with the starting soda can.
  3. okay but.... u do know that you CANT secure an area? them zeds just keep respawning.
  4. crazyshadowdami

    Guns & Gameplay

  5. crazyshadowdami

    gigantic flame

    it happened a few weeks ago, but i think thats it
  6. crazyshadowdami

    gigantic flame

    u dont understand.... that thing was like a nuke. i was shure it was KILOMETERS away, and yet it took 3/4 of my screen. also, an explosion from a rashed heli does not last for so long. edit: nvm, just read the second reply. so, its a crashed heli?
  7. crazyshadowdami

    gigantic flame

    when i spawned on a server (still learning how to play this damn game), i just looked to my left, and i saw a gigantic flame, like a big bomb has exploded, however the flame lasted for a long time. about the location, the only thing i know is that i was facing a lighthouse. anyway, other players didnt seem to notice it, so i started approaching it. it semmed like i will never reach it since it didnt look i was closing at it at all. like its just a 2-dimensional bug on my screen (and it quite posssibly is). after some while going in direction of the flame, i came up to a settlement, but i ignored the zeds and continued running to the flame. it dissapeared after a while. it was VERY big, it pretty much took 3/4 of my screen. wtf? to bad i have no screenies :(
  8. crazyshadowdami

    Bring ACE to DayZ

    +1 for me
  9. crazyshadowdami

    new feature: military

    DIS i aggre with. u know shit gets real when you are looting a town, and a mi-28 appears over your head, with 2 minigun gunners on each side....
  10. crazyshadowdami

    Make Hunting Knife a secondary weapon

    yes but its BLACK russia :/
  11. crazyshadowdami

    Zombies idea!

    just remove the damn zig-zaging and im happy.
  12. crazyshadowdami

    ghillie and camo suits affect zombies

  13. i think they should affect zombie visibility on you. anyone?
  14. i do play multiplayer, but somethimes i simply prefer singleplayer. anyway, my character has about 11000+ blood, so i dont think blood shortage is the problem.i dont think i have broken bones, becouse there is no icon, and i can run and sprint perfectly fine