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About thepointyend

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  1. thepointyend

    Choices, choices. What guns to use?

    Yup, the M4A3 CCO is probably and arguably the best gun in the game. If others are more powerful, others longer range and others quieter, but the M4 is deadly enough, quiet enough, loads of ammo and the torch comes in very handy from time to time.
  2. thepointyend


    Yup, I have only ever found a vehicle at its spawn point two or three times in the last two months. I now normally find vehicles only by searching the entire map, but then usually just an ATV under a tree, a badly hidden white pickup or the odd bicycle. Never any boats except one time I found the boats on the west edge of the map in the forest!! Given that I reckon I know pretty much where all the tents are within the map on the server, I am pretty sure most vehicles are hoarded offmap somewhere in clan camps. Said clans probably have a helo too, as I never seem to keep vehicles for long, usually it is a matter of hours before they are stolen again...except for ATVs, bicycles and motorbikes which are very easy to hide.
  3. Also, I don't think the server is auto-restarting. Some loot that I dumped on the floor yesterday is still there today.
  4. Hi there, Is DE 10 port 2314 is down, I can't seem to access it. BTW, I am new to DE 10 and there seems to be multiple instances running on different ports, makes it hard to know which one my tent is on sometimes :D
  5. thepointyend

    DayZ - "Guy who destroyed our camp"

    Definitely nice shooting there buddy, bet he feels a like right plonker now. I bet all your tents magically return after a server restart.
  6. thepointyend

    Why the radio silence?!?

    Shame about the timing of the PR tour, as core strategic elements of the game have been broken in the mean time making it a pointless exercise for me and, judging by the 24 hour player count, emptier servers, etc, quite few others.
  7. thepointyend

    What weapon was underwhelming to you?

    Depends what distance. The G17 is absolutely accurate to 50m (the Zeds hearing range for the gun), the M9SD is hit and miss at 25.
  8. thepointyend

    What weapon was underwhelming to you?

    Underwhelming, as in no where near as useful as you expected? The M9SD followed by the AKM. At the moment, with the amount of duped ammo, it is possible to keep armed with an M9SD, even if it is virtually impossible to shoot straight. But that inaccuracy once duping has been fixed will make the ammo next to impossible to find and the gun even more useless than it is now. All the AKs are a bit lackluster compared to the M4/16s due to rubbish sights, rubbish accuracy and default auto (i always forget to switch to single shot when changing weapons!) . The AKM especially rubbish because of the noise! Grub up! The most surprising gun range are the M4/M16. Mega in any configuration with stacks and stacks of ammo.
  9. My DayZ Commander is showing that 9% of servers are using I have installed. Wassat all about then?
  10. thepointyend

    Best weapon to go with a sniper rifle?

    Any M4 or M16, CCO or Holo obviously better than iron sights, but any of that type is mega. Easy to find ammo, full auto and don't alert too many zeds.
  11. thepointyend

    Dayz Commander. How well does it work?

    Commander is such a good tool, one of the best I have seen for any game :thumbsup:
  12. thepointyend

    Automatic Tent-Saving

    Agree, the "save" menu option has no place in this game. Looking through the server code, however it does seem that tents and vehicles within 20 meters of your position are saved automatically when you log out, but I can't understand the point of this logic at all. I don't understand why saving isn't automatic every time gear is added or removed from tents or vehicles.
  13. thepointyend

    What is the best sidearm to you?

    M9SD is pants as it is so inaccurate and the ammo is rare. At the moment, in a world of duping I can live with it, but when that is fixed it will be a pain in the arse gun for sure. Even headshotting at 25m is a hit and miss affair, so you'll get through that rare ammo in no time. The G17 is at the other end of the scale. Quiet enough not to attract too many local infected, super accurate, head shots at 50m means you don't use up too much ammo and you can stay on the edge of the Zeds' hearing capability too. The built in flashlight is a bully bonus too.
  14. thepointyend

    Tents still duping/losing items

    Not saying anything about your good selves, but I reckon 95%++ of all high end gear is now duped. Bravo romeo oscar kilo echo november! Just fix the duping and the tents, back to such gear being as rare as rocking horse shit within days.
  15. thepointyend

    Tents still duping/losing items

    [quote name='-FHW-Schr