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About Dregon

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    okinawa, japan
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    woke up on a shore, lets go from there....
  1. i fell victim to sympathy as i witnessed a man prone with a lee enfield. crawling i approached him from behind told him to drop his weapons, he complied. he then asks me where the hospital would be, i told him and then he continues crawling. i tell the man to hold up in this close by residential area, i escort him there, he is crawling all the way. i told him i would make the run for him, asked him what he needed. then gave him my sidearm and told him i will be back. trekked to the hospital in elektro got blood, morpheme, bandages, and found anti-biotics. and headed back. the trek too me some time but i managed to make it there. i announced myself when i reached the building, he gave me the ok. i was relieved that the trip wasnt for not. and procede to give him morphine and anti-biotics, spare bandages, and administered a blood transfusion. he thanked me but that wasnt the last thing that i heard as i walked out of that building. i fell steps away from the exit, unconscious, broken leg, and bleeding everywhere. i see him in my FP view, tee-bagging my corpse... if i see you, i take my shot, regardless of who, if it happens to be a new blood. its not your lucky day. if i can in someway delay you from getting geared, well.... then thats one less i have to worry about for the time being. i solo play but i would like to work in a team: i play on JP1, and the majority of US west coast servers are good ping for me. PM if interested.
  2. Dregon

    Looking for someone to play with

    i play on japan, and us west coast servers, pm me if interested.
  3. ever thought about creating a team to patrol a portion of the map, along side of what you may already have? and have it led by a trusted individual to add
  4. Dregon


    worked...... TAKE MY BEANS!
  5. Dregon

    Looking for a small group

    im in japan so its doable for me
  6. Dregon

    Veteran player streaming new character

    Bad trip, eh?
  7. i love this game, i have been actively playing this for 2 weeks so far, and wish to group up. i sent OP a PM please check.
  8. Dregon

    Small 2-4 man team?

    i would like to join up, but i would like to know what region servers that you generally play on as i live in japan.
  9. i wish i could find people like that. tired of being a lone ranger.
  10. blood pressure is measured upto 12000, and is essential to maintain in order to live. this is currently implemented in-game ATT. and really, it makes to much sense to have non-lethal dmg, unless were fight not zombie but mutated/expiremented-on/weapon-x people with razor blade fingers that somtimes cauterize your wound as they cut you open (referencing that somtimes when they hit you, you dont need a bandage). come-on, its a good idea, lets hear some alterations instead of the usual "oh god not another (insert game title here)".
  11. you need a mic, how is anyone going to find you if you can use mumble/skype/TS/vent to find you and give you directions. as your well aware the ingame chat can only be viewed by people close to your proximity. but if you figure out an easy solution, that doesnt interrupt the process of gaming to communicate with you, i will be happy to see how much trust i can place in you, if you want to party. ;P
  12. Just like being hit by zombies having a chance to cause you to bleed, i believe that there should be non-lethal damage added. its not all the time a zombie is trying to open you up with its teeth or a sharp object (at least the animation suggests other-wise). an idea i had concerning non-lethal damage, is that when your struck with a attack that would be non-L, your blood preassure would decrease like normal, BUT regenerate slowly back the total amount of non-L damage that was taken, a stipulation could be that the player needs to be green status hunger status in order to do so. thought that this stemmed from was: why would i lose blood preassure getting punched by a zombie that didnt cause me to bleed? if im not bleeding then the zombies attack didnt pierce me, right? why would i lose blood preassure? Forum, your thought on this?