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Everything posted by Vekiorus

  1. Vekiorus

    Fort Friendly 2.0 - Social Experiment

    yep :P i was the guy yelling friendly
  2. Vekiorus

    Fort Friendly 2.0 - Social Experiment

    Mission accomplished. Goota love dem satchels
  3. Vekiorus

    Satchel charge for trade?

    AS50, M4A1 CCO SD, 1 mountain dew, ghillie suit, nvgs and rangefinders. (all of that for 1 satchel)
  4. Vekiorus

    Trading satchel charge.

    Hey, i got everything on that list, could even throw in some mountain dew if you're interested ;) PM me.
  5. Vekiorus

    Selling two ( 2x ) Satchel Charges!!!!

    Hey, i got pretty much anything you'd need, just ask for it. Just raided a bandit camp a bit ago, got as50's, m107's, dmrs, etc etc, NVGS, rangefinders, M9 SDs and i even picked up a hacked M4 Holo SD w/ m203 launcher attached if you want it... There was also a 6pack of mountain dew there, so yeah.... All i want is one satchel, PM me
  6. As I said, willing to trade a bunch of stuff for those, got a bunch of nvgs, rangefinders, gpss, pretty much all the guns available, any clothing, etc... All I'm looking for here is one satchel and/or one sandbag. Contact: TS3: dayz.no-ip.info People willing to trade HAVE to get on ts3. Thanks
  7. As i said, there's many more improvements that need to be implemented to make DayZ more realistic than it already is. You can't "run around" like a happy mofo as you said, as you will pass out and you can't see jack, so your argument is invalid. Even with your system, i just have to take one extra shot with my gun and then boom.
  8. So even though the game says you have 0 blood, you see a 3d animation in game and assume that you still have blood after you die? Smart. by the way i like how you're double posting lol
  9. I like the fact that forcing air inhaling slash electroshocking a corpse REGENERATES BLOOD. Get this. You're dead in DayZ, right? 12000 blood is what you start with. If you get shot, you start bleeding out, same goes when you're being bit by a zombie. What happens when you have 0 blood? You're dead. No blood left for you to live. No oxygen in your blood. Now please explain to me, how the hell do you perform cpr/aed revival on someone that has NO BLOOD? This isn't battlefield, this isn't CoD. You don't revive someone that has been shot in the head with a defib pad. Your suggestion would basically grant everyone that plays with their little butt buddies invincibility. Never die, never lose your stuff. That idea would make the game even more unrealistic than it already is, and what we're actually aiming for is REALISM here. We still need to make fixing broken bones more realistic, etc. You already have epipens in the game, and that's all you need, no stupid aeds or things like that. tl;dr not gonna work