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Everything posted by Janson

  1. He never said you hacked, he said your friend does.
  2. Janson

    Using the axe/hatchet

    Right click, remove from tool belt, reload it. Done.
  3. It's most likely a hacked in M107, I believe the campaign version makes you drop your backpack on pickup.
  4. You will not be banned for having hacked in items, you only get banned if you are the one hacking it in.
  5. Haha, do you really want to die, or are you wanting to team up?
  6. Janson

    Remote Execute - LEGIT?

    Looks like he crashed something then it just blew up.
  7. Janson

    A way to deal with bandits, maybe?

    Oh my god, people, stop bitching about bandits.
  8. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks to me like he threw some explosives at first, then an hour later he crashed a helicopter.
  9. Janson

    Bandit needing help to become a hero

    Just keep yourself logged in and go do other stuff, your humanity goes up every once in a while just by staying logged in
  10. Janson

    Global Chat in Lobby?

    In some servers global voice chat is enabled in the lobby, but you can't see that it is by switching channels, I hear people talking in it sometimes while joining
  11. I'm still finding hatchets way more than crowbars, sounds like it's just that server
  12. And I can't resist posting about how no one cares.
  13. Janson

    Hacker Camp!!!!!!

    Yea guys, let's all run out to 009000! That sounds like a productive thing to do with our day, especially if hackers are just gonna break our legs and kill us!
  14. Janson

    To 'Nil' DE 1669

    No one cares.
  15. Janson

    Need a ride! =D

    Just "save" the bike and get back on it, it fixes itself completely.
  16. Janson

    Cant Equip backpack

    Make sure all the surrounding items are picked up first, other than that you just scroll your wheel and hit pick up
  17. OP said that he had tried logging into a different server, I don't think it's that
  18. You can try downloading the Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead demo off of steam and seeing how well that runs, not sure if you can go online with it though.
  19. Janson

    The world is on fire US1179

    Just a graphical glitch, happens after a player crashes a helicopter.
  20. Janson

    i just got hacked by a cunt

    Are you sure you even killed him? Or did you break his leg and then he shot you?