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About ShaddnArakh

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  1. ShaddnArakh

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Standalone means "does not need Arma2 installed", therefore it can get rid of nasty Arma2-related bugs. The gameplay right now seems to be exactly the same, that is "one map, central hive, multiple servers, multiple players per server".
  2. ShaddnArakh

    Making a dam

    Dam! That's a good idea. Okay, puns aside, bad idea, this is not an irrigation simulator.
  3. The permadeath and efficiency of modern firearms against human bodies effectively prevent blobs.
  4. ShaddnArakh

    Multi Map Dayz - linked servers.

    xXI Mr Two IXx & Strategos, you have my beans. I suggested something similar (EVE-like DayZ linked severs). If anything of sorts gets implemented in DayZ, I'm ready to pay subscription to keep servers running. Your idea has a little drawback that breaks immersion: - if two people are standing near the edge of neighbouring maps, they are literally a couple of meters apart in the 'game world', but they cannot see or shoot each other. It is nicely worked around in EVE (gates) or my proposal (islands that are some distance apart). Imagine chasing someone to the edge of a map just to see him disappear like that. Very disappointing.
  5. I probably didn't make this clear enough although some posters picked up on that just fine. When travelling, you do not spawn in a single point. You spawn anywhere on the coast depending on your departing position. That's tens of kilometers of coastline. You cannot realistically camp tens of kilometres of coastline. Recon and look-ahead scouts would eliminate any chance of you still running into someone on the coast, in case you're that worried (e.g. if you're transporting valuables). That's another reason for teamplay. Another reason to get bigger vehicles to travel.Much like in EVE, travel requires speedy or sturdy vehicle, team of friends, certain skill, patience and balls, lots of balls.
  6. Hey isn't is cool that Rocket confirmed that EVE Online type of single-shard hardcore univese is 'holy grail'? Yay! :)
  7. HOW does this encourage less killing? Your reasoning skills are nil.
  8. Listen to this: (.22 cal M4 supressed, you cannot hear it AT ALL), there's plenty of videos out there that show that a number of guns can be supressed. Not hi-cal of course.
  9. ShaddnArakh

    How to stop Player from DC within a gunfight

    It has been suggested 1 000 000 000 times. I counted. And it can be done, yes. The timeout should be longer for those players who recently fired a weapon or were wounded by a firearm.
  10. ShaddnArakh

    Pending Update: Build

    Take a holiday. Really. Then return and build a proper stand-alone Arma3-based DayZ 2.0. Or secure a multimillion deal with a publisher and build a single-shard MMO, which would dwarf EVE Online (concept: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/43984-solution-to-horizontal-load-balancing-and-more/) Or keep investing your time and effort into an outdated engine that you cannot even change. Anyways, do take a holiday, we need you :)
  11. ShaddnArakh

    CryEngine 3 - Possible?

    Well then imagine that someone wants to shoot you and think, whether you want to walk out the door and stand there looking around like an idiot.
  12. ShaddnArakh


    The concept is described here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/43984-solution-to-horizontal-load-balancing-and-more/
  13. ShaddnArakh

    CryEngine 3 - Possible?

    OMG. How many times (in RL) have you expected to be shot at when leaving your house? On-topic: undead labs on CE3 looks awesome. Yes please.
  14. Okay, now let me clear up a few points (most info gathered from Rocket's interviews). 1. There is no "this company". DayZ is developed privately by Rocket and a small team. They are sort-of-sponsored by BIS (who got at least 500,000 sales for Arma2 and a lot of preorders for Arma3) in the form of paid wages while they are not working on DayZ. BIS has no rights to DayZ. 2. Going single-shard-huge-world-with-islands is an awesome direction, which almost nobody tried before. It requires huge resources and definitely won't be done within a year. It's bigger than that but we waited for some games for years. And it's definitely bigger than BIS can handle. The best BIS can hope for is that Rocket decides to stick to current gameplay idea (zillion of servers with hive server), licences Arma3 engine for it and publishes it with BIS. 3. EA and Blizzard never cared about making a single-shard MMO, because they are focused on maximising profits. Their games are designed in such a way so that they don't require a single persistent world, because making little elves grind their way to lvl 80 is maximising profits. They are not looking for a revolution. We're still allowed to dream. There are already dayz-inspired MMOs in the making (google world war z) but they sound kind of sucky at this point. Rocket's vision is amazingly hardcore, I love that and I'd like it to achieve the pinnacle of today's gaming technology rather than becoming another awesome game.