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Everything posted by privatesnowflake

  1. privatesnowflake

    BattlEye: Script Restriction #20 & #41 (LU194)

    Well... I am facing the same issues overhere since the last update. Everytime I try to have a drink, I am getting kicked for this reason... any solution? What I tried: deleted battleye data and installed the latest BE dll. - no solution deinstalled Arma2 and OA, removed all registry entries for arma and AO - no solution now what?
  2. privatesnowflake


    Yeah, and I want one of those SMARTGUNS from the Aliens movie... wtf man, what is wrong with you? Locks which are controlled by hard to find PDA??? Holy sh*t what have you been smoking? This is DayZ not Doom3 or CoD or Crisis... o.O
  3. privatesnowflake

    New script named: Mortal kombat

    So I logged back in again, luckily all that has happened to my survivor was the fact, that I was teleported to the NW Airfield... well, just be sure to log out as soon as you can "feel" something must be wrong.
  4. privatesnowflake

    New script named: Mortal kombat

    Got the same shit couple of minutes ago... I logged out as soon as I noticed something was wrong, what can I do now?
  5. privatesnowflake

    Polygon Graphic Glitch?

    Please note that the "flush" can worsen things too. I was on my way to NW airport and things worked out pretty well using the command. However, when I executed the flush command on the airfield again, polygon hit me. Re-executing the command did not help either. All that helped was to log out and back in again.
  6. privatesnowflake

    Do you believe in being trusting of other players?

    Happened to me more than once... trust is now gone.
  7. privatesnowflake

    Do you believe in being trusting of other players?

    Don't you think your point of view isn't a bit narrow? I mean, the game doesn't get better by not killing people and vice versa. The biggest issue is, that people (including me) are not used to create "your own" content. By this I mean, there are ways to interact in the game people might have not thinked of yet. AS a result, people stick to old mechanisms such as fragging everything they see. For example: Neutral zones scould been established in certain areas. So lets say, instead of shooting any players on sight in Zelenogorsk, anything in and around this town could be regarded as neutral zone, this could been used to have survivors trade items. This would benefit bandits and "good people" alike (bandits could trade stuff they've stolen in exchange for bloodbags... and so on). Or how about a medical team with some vehicle but no valuable parts helping players in medical distress. For emergency calls, the map could be used... I do not know.... Also, enjoying games like BF3 does not mean, you can not enjoy DayZ. These are two entirely different genres, and BF3 does not thrill, it builds purely on action and more or less strategy, less skill. DayZ in the other hand, can make you go mad, can make you heart beat fast cuz you are being shot at. I would miss this and I am truely lucky, not everybody behaves as peacefully as most of us wish humanity to be.
  8. privatesnowflake

    Do you believe in being trusting of other players?

    Actually, the V3S is one of the few things that ressembles some sort of "fort" in the game. We use it to store items we need. It is always a good thing to come back to the truck after you were killed and know there are medical supplies, good weapons, food and drinks around. If things get a bit dodgy, that very fort can easily be moved to another location. So yes, my greed, or maybe just the big advantage the truck provides, were my intentions to kill those other players. I am also quite certain they would have killed me to protect their gear... It sounds like you are playing on your own mostly, right? If you do, I would agree that a winchester or a Lee Enfield does the trick, but somehow, there is not much joy in spending your time in the most remote places just to survive. I would be happy to interact with friendly people, however, I have yet expercienced that strange players are more likely to be hostile than friendly. Which puts me and my team mates in an awkward situation. The situation I explained earlier on, is just one of the many negative examples we experienced. Having said that, I do not sit on top of some firestation waiting for survivors to snipe... nope. Also, we are by no means, weapon collectors. The best we got is the m107 which yet has not been fired at all. We mostly stick to standard weapons such as the kobra and avoid to shoot other players, as long they become a potential threat.
  9. privatesnowflake

    Do you believe in being trusting of other players?

    Well... I actually would prefer a more friendlier atmosphere occasionally, but to be quite honest, I only trust people I can talk to via "mumble" (fuck TS btw!) any other player I do not know is a potential threat. Of course I do not kill spawners. Quite recently, me and a friend of mine were walking through a forest to a high value industrial site. Everything seemed clear and I hid in the grass covering my team mate, when suddenly some other player walked towards my team mate. He opened fire on first sight with some weak handgun, so all I could do was shooting him in the head with my kobra... When we looted the player, we found nothing but the handgun and some bandages, nothing too fancy really. In conclusion, the game makes one paranoid, which I think is a good thing... consequence however is a bullet in the head either yours or theirs. In addition, people are greedy, really greedy... So am I. I mean, come one, who would not shoot other players who were standing around a V3S truck like sheep doing nothing but waiting to be relieved. :> I am a bad person, I think. Albeit I enjoy killing hunters/bandits alot more than killing innocent players, this usually make me feel kinda bad.
  10. privatesnowflake

    DE8 server

    Hey there, what's up with the server? The past 3 Days I've been stuck at the "loading" screen and I've been waiting for quite some time with no success to login. Synched with armarize, but still, we are not able to log on. We are currently well equiped on there, and we don't wanna lose the V3S truck we managed to "obtain"... :) (btw: sry for the guys I shot at the quary with my Lee Enfield, but seriously, you were far too loud and behaved far too clumsily to ignore... instead of packing your gear and rushing to another save place (instead of staying in Sovnichniy) when I tried to shoot you at the gas station you went straight back to the quary!?!?!?, WTF dudes?!?! The truck is loud and the exhaust gas is highly visible from afar, in addition, I was also highly alerted when you were shooting Zombies at the quary and hence could easily check the situation with barely no risk at all)
  11. privatesnowflake


    But what is the point of having a night cycle then, just cosmetics? I mean, the night is not just annoying, it is possible to loot an entire heli with zombies walking just a meter infront of you without getting caught... also you are most likely not detected by other players too. At least not that easily... there are also ways to see at nighttime so why are you complaining? Ah, I see, you are one working son of a gun and other players are just unemployed mofos....... come on, there are so many servers with different time zones to choose from, stop bitchin. ;)
  12. privatesnowflake


    Thanks for clearing this mate.
  13. privatesnowflake


    You don't get it, do ya? Even if you live in a small town, it is still sufficient to brighten the darkness around you. I am talking about a real remote place, no settlement around the next 250km, it is fucking pitch black with no cities, towns, moon, stars whatsoever. You can't see shit, and by shit I mean nada, nothing, nichts but darkness.
  14. privatesnowflake


    I voted for "no". Why? Well, first of all, locks in RL can be breaked using crowbars and the hatchets can't they? The axe is a standard item players carry around, so locks and chains would be kinda obsolete... You don't think hatchet should have the power to break locks? Well, how about opening a tin of beans with no can opener? Fucking hell mate... Also, why is everyone so keen to play it save? Its part of the horror to lose your stuff isn't it? I mean, I am always in distress whenever I lock in whether my stuff is still in the tent or not... this makes the game worth playing, it is made to make you fucking paranoid! And guess what, I am!
  15. privatesnowflake


    Maybe you still didn't understand me aswell? Fields around you do not make the night pitch black dark. Of course they will be darker compared to a city for example, however, Have you ever been to a place where there is no city about the next 100km? Was there no moon and no stars to make out in the sky? I have, and honestly, this very much reminds me of DayZ. Don't get me wrong I do understand your point of view, but I must disagree. It actually gives me the creeps how a city more than 30km away can have a huge impact on the nights darkness.
  16. privatesnowflake

    Bear Traps

    Actually they are quite useful. Just put them behind your vehicle trunk (make sure the trunk is only accessible through the back, which is quite easy if you park this fucker in some pinetree) and wait for player to loot. Of course the car should have no gas... Bear traps will easily brake ones leg, so they are quite useful :D
  17. privatesnowflake

    CPR and Defibrillation to Revive a Fallen Teammate

    This reminds me of BF far too much. There would not be much thrill in that. Teammate: "Hey I heard someone shoot" you: "shit" - <prone> (you heartbeat in real life should have risen by now) teammate: "I am down" you: "fuck" (shitting your pants) This is an everyday situation in DayZ and actually creates tension, so why removing it by adding some gadget made popular in BF and alike games? I mean, come on, you are getting hit by several bullets, in a cruel world as in Chernarus, this should mean your death. Just imagine some big ass sniper camping somewhere shooting at you. Finally you managed to find and shoot him, but seconds later, you are dead, shot by the same big ass sniper who was revived by some teammate. PLEASE DO NOT IMPLEMENT THIS FEATURE!!! Or if you do, please be reasonable enough to have the player who has been revived generate for at least a couple of hours or better days, but only if they are acompanied by other teammates (maybe with some sort of stretcher or with help of a vehicle)
  18. Hey oh, as stated above, I am not entirely what I am about to do now... :D Should I start looting army bases in darkness? Or should I go ahead killing players? I am stuck within my happyness. :D Please post suggestions. Thx
  19. privatesnowflake

    Found night vision goggles AND L85A2, what now?

    I'read several posts about the inaccuracy of that weapon, however, for distances of 200 - 400metres I liked it quite alot and can not complain about accuracy.
  20. privatesnowflake

    Found night vision goggles AND L85A2, what now?

    lol, locked in quite often since. But there is always the FN FAL as a backup I found at the same location. But surely, the L85A2 kicks some arse..
  21. privatesnowflake

    Found night vision goggles AND L85A2, what now?

    Nooooooooooo! :D
  22. privatesnowflake


    Well... most people do not consider the illumination created by nearby cities, buildings etc. I am not sure where you live but as long as you are not living in a rather rural place with barely no neighbourhood at all, things would be much different and in a cloudy, moonless night, you would see shit, especially in forests. Keep in mind, that there is no electricity in Chernarus, no lights, no cities illuminating the environment (even if it several kilometres away). So in my conclusion, darkness in DayZ is quite realistic keeping in mind that we are among Zeds in a postapocalyptic world with no electricity and .