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Everything posted by CraKinShOt

  1. Had it happen to me too. People just spawning behind in a building. There was an odd point in time, where when I logged in I dropped to the ground and had to wait for 3 minutes before I could get up. This happened twice, but thankfully in the middle of no-where so I was fine. It wouldn't be a bad idea to put in a 1-2 minute timer when you log in. Or just flat out refuse to allow you to log in within 50 meters of other players.
  2. CraKinShOt

    Night-time Zombies

    I was thinking, how about doubling the number of zombies at night. Except they all go to sleep at night. The catch is, if you wake one of them, they scream and wake up all of the others.
  3. CraKinShOt

    Bugging Equipment

    Simple idea... Bugging Equipment that allows you to place a GPS tracking device on a car and then get its coordinates remotely. Could make for some interesting, player/camp hunting. :D
  4. CraKinShOt

    Can't place tent, doing something wrong?

    kinda annoying bug... I've had 7 tents, and I finally decided to put it down this time before I die and can't. :(
  5. CraKinShOt

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    bug: Map placed in backpack has an ammo amount.
  6. CraKinShOt

    Forum / Security Notice - They trollinnnn

    Tonic, its pretty clear what you should do, assuming you can't get in contact with Rocket; Inform the FBI that a US-based server was hacked. Give them all the info you have and let them begin the process. http://www.ic3.gov/default.aspx
  7. The player spawning could do with some work I think. There are two possible solutions; A) you're not allowed to spawn until the area is clear of other people. B) your spawn location is moved away from buildings and/or people. The first option probably seems like the most reasonable compromise, possibly with a time-out of 5 mins after which you're moved out of the area. The reason why I think this is important is because I shot a guy simply because he appeared (from the aether) literally in front of me. Proper scared the crap out of me and I shot him 15 times in the head. I usually don't shot people, even if I easily could ; I'll wait for them to move on. Sure he was stupid for spawning in a supermarket, but I still feel bad for killing someone that may or may not have been a good guy.
  8. CraKinShOt

    Player Spawning Protection/Delaying

    Still, you could have someone spawn in on your from behind, even though you've cleared the building. Its not really fair on that person if they are killed then. For a game that is seemingly "realistic", having people appear out of thin air, in front or behind you, is probably not a good feature. It also doesn't take long to work out how to exploit this, if you work with someone else over TS.
  9. Simple solution for now. OnPlayerDisconnect if bleeding or unconscious then kill player.
  10. CraKinShOt

    Weather ideas

    Unify the weather (i.e. server grabs a date-time hash from the master server on init and sets the weather for the server from that hash code. I'm afraid unless its raining on ALL servers at the SAME time people are just going to jump servers.
  11. CraKinShOt

    Bandits don't get punished, Survivors do...

    I think you need to read up on Ayn Rand and Objectivism if you think Ayn Rand should be associated with survivors and not bandits. I think the one that needs to read up on it AND comprehend what Rand stated in her definition of Objectivism is you... The system is Objectivism. Everyone can do as they please and eventually there is an equilibrium. The problem with online games (FPS) is that that there is more weight toward murdering other people rather than avoiding confrontation. The bandit skin was a perfectly fine mechanism to counter the existing FPS game mentality of shooting people ASAP. It also provided something you would get in reality; word-of-mouth warning of murderers and their description.
  12. CraKinShOt

    Build Hotfix

    Remember, the weather changes and the View Distance can go up... WAY up.
  13. CraKinShOt

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    Removing the Bandit stuff is a bad idea. It should be more like a progressive thing though. So smaller changes to the base character look, from murders 1-20. At 20 and above you're a full bandit. I've specifically not killed people because I didn't want to become a bandit. Remove this and there no point in playing nice.
  14. CraKinShOt

    Keep dying but respawn with my gear

    Don't disconnect. Go: Abort, press Esc, click okay.
  15. CraKinShOt

    IF this was an actual game...

    Pay-once for current system. Subsidise master server with merchandise. You would need a sufficiently drawn out end-game for the other systems. Pay-To-Win would ruin the game experience; Its fun because its dam hard.