I think that removing respawn is a bad idea, you will not supress people to respawn since they will just go and die on the first place they find, and yet again you will have spam of the hive with new account creation. Apart from that I think that alot of people made some good points, what this game needs is fixing of some basic stuff, first you need to secure the game from hackers, everything else is just piss in the wind. Afterwords zombies need fix definitely since you can agro them from miles away, and yet some zombies you cannot agro even if you walk near them, this zombie agro bug is really annoying so I would go with that as priority. Also idiotic thing as item disappear because you wanted to put it in the full backpack, or also items disappear if you drop them etc... these things, as are crucial for gameplay, need to have priority over the altf4 or some other thing that is not so important. As I am a programmer as well I can see some reasons why you go with these bugs first, they are easier to fix I guess, well its much better to waste all your time and get one patch after few months but fix some basic stuff in the game, so the game itself is secure and stable.