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Everything posted by Apelo

  1. Apelo

    I Met a Friend in Elektro

    I pride myself on sticking to the woods with my hunting rifle. I swore to myself I would be friendly, but now 3 times I have come across (albeit well geared) players. Each time I had them in my crosshair my heart stopped for a second. I could feel it. But click. I take the shot every time! I am evil! I am a bandit! I have 3 murders and 50 zombie kills (and on day 10). WHAT HAVE I DONE? I feel like Chernarus is judging me; hunting me, so I feel I have to kill on sight now! I can not trust anybody! (I however only kill players with military gear.) I have 2 DMR's and an M4A1 CCO from my 3 murders. I would have had FAL NV but the 4th potential murder ALT F4'ed after I shot him. CZ550 FTW: Mine is called Click. I'm sad, I know. What were we talking about again?
  2. Apelo

    Best 15 minutes ever

    This one time at band camp...
  3. Apelo

    Interesting idea: Civilized towns

    No. No mechanic should be introduced like this. Try yourself fine, but even if you had so many players committed enough, every one will be betting sniped in or approaching this 'safe haven.' Also, can somone link me where Rocket said he would add factions. Because I sure as hope he doesn't.
  4. Apelo

    Wipe the Database

    I hate to say it. But I think you are mad about losing items or something similar. It is extremely unfair on players such as myself who don't try to hoard and duplicate but stick to the woods with their CZ550. As someone said, updates are coming out nearly every week and until it is actually fixed there is no way I see this happening. I do however welcome it when the BETA comes out and then followed by an official release wipe.
  5. I can imagine it being crap.
  6. Apelo

    Loading times getting worse?

    I have been playing for about 2 weeks and I am also interested behind the occasional insta-play and the more common wait-5-minutes-to-play.
  7. I am always extremely critical of ideas that try to segregate players but for some reason this idea really works in my head. Because of course in real life you always remember a face (at least one probably would in an apocolypse). I very much support this idea of categorizing and naming however it should be limited to VERY close range and proportional through optics (as you mention). 20 metres sounds about right and in my mind it would have to be quite subtle, so a small name in a certain not-too opaque colour, and not like the massive hand that appears on your screen on those icky regular servers. Take all my beans.
  8. Small changes but big game impact? Too late didn't read: infected need to be much more deadly (once AI is fixed). I feel the infected are too easy and as soon as their AI (pathfinding and combat) is fixed they should be made much harder. Infected should hit you when they catch up and they should carry on running in buildings (I know will be fixed). First it will stop fresh-spawn-tryhards from sprinting to Cherno/Elektro and grabbing a pistol/rifle and starting a war. Cities should be rife with infected to avoid this. It will increase survivability gameplay and make this game more 'infected oriented.' Also, make item spawns even rarer (inb4 it is too hard already; inb4 it will force players to go into cities): - When you actually think about it, after getting on your feet getting food/water is too easy. Of course new players will have an even harder time against hoarding but it will force them to go to small towns (which by then will hopefully have enterable buildings) and leave the big squads to raid large cities against mass zombies for supplies that will sustain their big groups. - Raiding large cities should be foremost a challenge, and not a deathmatch which has been comically portrayed in the DayZ gallery. And on an off note: In my humble opinion, the respawns are a bit iffy. Sometimes you will be approaching a town filled with infected and another a few will spawn in extreme proximity. Tell me what you think.
  9. Apelo

    Why this mod is failing

    In my humble opinion I think zombies need to be made much much more deadly (as soon as their fucking annoying pathfinding is fixed). The reason is that there is nothing to do. Once you have learnt how to survive, (took me 5 hours as soon as I started) the game becomes meaningless except for hunting and killing players as zombies pose no threat. There needs to be hundreds more zombies and zombies in forests and EVERYWHERE. We need to stop people sprinting to the nearest cities on spawn by making the zombies lethal when sprinting away. Either make them hit you when they catch up or bring in fatigue. Either way, the only thing that will make this game less PvP oriented will be in making the zombies more potent, forcing players to band together. Yes this is hard and easier said than done however with the right tweak it would encourage it. I think items need to be so much rarer than they are now which also makes people go into towns and making zombies more deadly means the more people the better. Of course when large or semi large groups are made people will still resort to PvP and possibly even still kill on sight as we see now... and... I am just realising while writing this that no. This game can never change its PvP element unless the games basis changes. Wow. What a spontaneous train of thought I have.
  10. Apelo

    Should armed vehicles be added to Dayz?

    It is a nice idea that I have thought about myself, however considering that many big 'clans' often dominate and hoard vehicles it is likely they would get hold of one (or more) anyway, quite quickly. It is definitely an interesting mechanic against zombies however for me it ends there. Against players (extra resistent glass and I assume wheels) would mean that the person in said vehicle is practically invulnerable and above that now has mounted guns. There is hardly any potent anti-vehicle weapons out there also, and who will want to actually shoot at a vehicle that will seconds later be able to stop and shoot them back - not to mention be faster then them. Also, where does it stop? Why not just bring tanks into the game and give everyone rocket launchers? My thoughts is simply give the ability to shoot out of windows with a massive accuracy penalty.
  11. No. It is unfair. I don't think you can farm helicopter crash sites because they spawn in random locations on every server - or so I have read. Farming items in such a way at buildings is an exploit and isn't true to the game. I feel bad that people use this technique as it makes the entire point of this game void. One must explore and survive, and not try and get quick loot (whether it be high end military or simple rations). People like to say, "These people ruin this game" for varying things, however this for me is what 'ruins' this game. Since I last played (just now) it was a zombie apocolypse. ^^
  12. Apelo

    banned from us 913

    FROM A THIRD PARTY PERSPECTIVE (CAPS FOR EMPHASIS): lol This is a video game. Admin abuse or no admin abuse the developers will officially decide. You guys have made it explicit that you wont play there again yet some of you seem to be threatening this admin and saying you will be back to kill him some more. Quite frankly pages 1-3 all sound ridiculous to me and it is incredulous that thinking human beings can deal with an issue in this way. All parties need to stop wasting their time. More whining in any case will not bring it to the attention of the devs(.). The issue was raised which is good, however you little panzies have taken this too far. Nobody observing this thread from the outside can tell which party is lying. Neither, frankly is providing 'evidence' other than that log (admittedly I don't understand) and so I can only go by what I have read and the maturity of said participants. This clan moaning about being banned sound like a bunch of kiddies, only because it so persistent. I imagine myself and my friends laughing such an issue off if it happened and we were genuinely in the right. However, the burden of proof is on those who banned. This is just one word against another.
  13. Apelo

    What makes you play DayZ?

    I felt the same way as you when I reached this stage, also with 'modest' gear. I am a survival guy so I stick to the woods with my CZ550. I also asked what now? And although this may not appeal to you, but I decided to take my survival-realism obsession farther and become a tactician. As cheesy as it sounds it makes you take risks; something that escapes my normal play. Essentially I hunt groups of players. When I find a geared player I stalk him to see if he has comrades and then on I make it my goal to kill them. Maybe they are friendly? Maybe, but not likely. I also 'tactically' hunt the outskirts of large cities for snipers who prey upon city dwellers. They are evil in my books, so I hunt them. If you are cautious and you plan enough this becomes quite exhilerating, not to mention rewarding.