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Posts posted by Dome-Nukem

  1. Make it the easy way, when a teammate is reanimated in the first 2 minutes he only has headache which is removable by using painkillers.

    When a teammates is reanimated behind 2 minutes till 6 minutes he has a permanent braindamage so he has permanend headache and other effects like lowsound shaking etc.

    if you reanimate a teammate after more than 6 minutes he will be a braindead zombie.

    How about this idea, and btw its easier to implement ingame than the other ideas.


  2. Hi, i use often the M16A4 with ACOG optics. I love the way you adapted the balistics and weapons in DayZ, nice work! Respect to all on DayZ stuff !


    The M16A4 ACOG has the Wrong Reticle.

    The correct ACOG for the M16A4 is the AN/PVQ-31A (A4) which is calibrated and designed for the M16A4

    The correct reticle is this

    http://www.tacticalg...cog ta31f-4.jpg




    See this link to confirm the official Information.

    and btw

    You see the ACOG still has no zeroing, it is not needed with the correct reticle cause its fixed.

    To see the correct reticle view please click the link to this site.( i didnt wanted to steal the pictures from other forums)

    It is a Small modification ONLY in the reticle and a lot of DayZ Bandits/Survivors would be happy to aim on the target at all distances the correct way, we would be very thankfull.

    The Searchresults gave no hits with these keywords " M16A4 ACOG RETICLE "

    Thank you all for reading and i hope with the next update we all can use a more to the reality optimized M16A4 ACOG ingame.


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