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About Mr.Beast

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    On the Coast
  1. Mr.Beast

    Amazing DayZ Video

    The Player wrote: "They told me to play along or they would kill me." No the do not MADE two players fight each other - they FORCE them to play that perverse game. Please spend less time on playing mmogames - read some history books or some wikipedia articles if you want about this topic and you will understand the relationship. It is quiet simple: Forcing defenseless people at gunpoint to do what they want - this is exactly what the Gestapo and the SS did. And this is what these sicko do.
  2. Mr.Beast

    Amazing DayZ Video

    This is neither EPIC nor AMAZING - it is just sick. What are this guys doing next ? Put some swastika signs on their backbacks and set a swatiska flag? Create some concentration camps? In my opinion their methods are quiet similar to the methods the GESTAPO or SS used. Of course it is a game and you are free to do whatever you want to do - but this Nazi-Shit - i can not understand.