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About ZachAttack!

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. ZachAttack!

    A question about loot.

    I see, so thats why I'd see tents outside supermarkets and things, alright I was just makin sure there wasn't some sort of graphical issue where I wouldn't see loot I'll just add that to the annoyances like people wiring/tanktrapping entrances to buildings :P
  2. ZachAttack!

    A question about loot.

    So I've been playing for awhile, and when I decide to risk heading into cherno or electro, it's very hit or miss. Sometimes it's loaded with great loot, and sometimes it's tin cans. However, more recently, there will be nothing in buildings, or a few piles of cans. I read somewhere that theres a 10 minute timer on loot or something, and to be 100m away. Not sure how accurate that is. If it is, I have a few questions If you approach less than 100m, does the timer reset? Does a pile have to be completely empty for the timer to work? Am I just being incredibly unlucky? Just curious, if anyone can answer that'd be great c:
  3. ZachAttack!

    I almost made it!!!!!! Running Ducks, i need a clan

    I've been playing dayZ for about a week, I have been doing well surviving for 2 days heading up north. Found 4 miscreants trying to hunt me down in Zelen, but they could not see me, as none of them had night vision. But I witnessed various shenanigans so I fled, got to the edge of the airfield and looted the first barracks. Than I crossed over and as soon as my big toe touched the tarmac, GUNSHOT. Oh Lordy, that is a gunshot says I, so I drop my chemlight, try to make a move than BOOM. Headshot. My balls fell off and I broke my legs. I was very much upset. Took me a span to get there sneaking and I die from a camping gentleman mother lover, but I am over it now. I'm not sure whether it was a sniper because it was a silenced weapon, but he wasn't around me. So I would like to request to join a clan to travel to the airfield, loot the place, and kill any campers we see.
  4. ZachAttack!

    Can't start dayZ

    Hey guys so I've been able toplay normally since this morning. I opened up steam though and it updated Arma 2 and OA I logged in and had terrible performance issues, and couldn't connect to servers, so I downloaded the later 95310 patch I do not use the Sixlauncher, I followed this tutorial: had been able to load it just fine through the beta.cmd until just recently, I click it and nothing happensI validated steam files and it said 1 file needed to be reacquired for each game, but still nothing is happening Any suggestions?
  5. ZachAttack!

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    hey goes, in the balota airstrip and at 3.4k blood. I have a blood bag if someone would be so kind as to apply it to me. I can move out of the airstrip and meet you at a location of your choosing
  6. ZachAttack!

    can you stash items?

    How can you tell whats a new tent and an old one? I pitched a tent two days ago, so idk which one that falls under xD
  7. ZachAttack!

    Anyone know how to get a tent working?

    hey guys, a question about tents, I know you have to "save" it before you're logged out. But what about DC's? if you dont save it again if you DC, what happens to things in the tent?
  8. No, I'm not gonna be like OMG WHERE ARE THE SERVERS Yesterday they went down as well, and I read that I can type in the IP address into remote, which I did, and I continued on my merry way However, when I logged in this morning, everything was wiped, which I know is another bug thats being sorted out, and I'm not here to complain about losing gear What I am curious about is this: By joining remotely, and than this morning just logging in from the server list, could that somehow be a reason why my gear and my tent inventory were wiped?
  9. ZachAttack!

    Day 2 of my Journey

    Hello guys, Just recently started telling playing a couple days ago, and so far I'm really impressed after I got a hang of the inventory and middle mouse and everything. I promptly died within minutes of my first spawn, been run over by a car twice in a row, shot in the head, axed to death, lured under the guise of a friendly player and than shot for my can of beans, and hopelessly trapped in a small room with glitchy zombies pummeling me to death. And I'm loving every second of it. However, once I got the ropes down I logged in this morning with the goal of owning a primary and side weapon, own food, water, map, and a compass, as well as survive for more than a few hours. I was extremely lucky running into cherno with a F**k it attitude, and was rewarded with a makarov, a lee enfield, food, water, compass, blood packs, morphine injectors, tent and a czech backpack. At this point I feel like a King as I hightail it out of their and end up in bolata, meeting another player who yells out friendly, and than immediately got shot in the back by his friend with a m1014. Slightly disheartened, I luckily spawn fairly close to the airfield and to my shock discover my body + the 2 others in the military tent. I load up with as much as I could carry and run off. Just thought I'd share my experience thus far, and have a few questions if you guys wouldn't mind answering 1. equipped with a toolbox, I know one can take down wirefence kits. when you take it down do you yourself gain 1 wiring kit? 2. After my brush with death with such a substantial load of gear (in my eyes) I decided to take said tent and start a "base of operations" a bit out of the way from cherno. I dumped a bunch of medical supplies, some water bottles, spare ammo, and a large backpack in the tent. Even though it has a chance of being discovered and looted, I feel like it's a legitimate strategy seeing as I get gunned down alot even though I have no intention of shooting anyone. I guess my question is does anyone else do this? Is it even worth the time of finding stuff and trekking back to my tent? I had more questions but I can't seem to remember them at this point, I'm kinda sleepy x.x Anyways, dayZ has me hooked, I look forward to working together with people and actually find survivors who aren't dicks Sorry for the wall of text :S ZachAttack!