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About MisterNine

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  1. MisterNine

    Run and gun

    He means running/sprinting.
  2. MisterNine

    No Female Cough?

  3. MisterNine


    You could easily be banned for utilizing your ill-gotten gains. You should let me bear the burden of that cursed equipment for you.
  4. MisterNine

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm severely injured in what I believe to be Berezino with a broken leg and a dislocation, shaking in pain. If someone could come patch me up I'd deeply appreciate it. PM me, and thank you in advance. There's no medical spawns to crawl to anywhere nearby.
  5. Geforce 500/600 series gpu Intel Core i5/i7 3+ ghz 8gb RAM Gigabyte or Intel motherboard 128gb SSD for OS and Games 1tb HDD for storage Windows 7 64bit
  6. MisterNine

    Thoughts from my first day playing DayZ

    This an alpha version of a mod built on an unpolished 5 or 6 year old game engine. You are not playing a finished product polished for mass appeal. That being said, spend some time doing some research on the wiki and you will gain vast insight.
  7. MisterNine

    Yep i am done, i quit

    How sad. Quitting an unfinished game is like never eating steak again because you don't like the way it tastes when eaten raw.
  8. MisterNine


    I love it. Make it a percentage of a chance though. Like 50% chance that ALT+F4 will kill you instantly. lol!
  9. MisterNine

    Combat Logging & Cheap Shots in DayZ

    Check it out: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/44076-altf4/#entry420749 What do you think?
  10. MisterNine


    A delay system like this applied to all user-initiated disconnections in small increments that build up over a window of time would discourage combat disconnects and a lot of the server hopping for items that we see going on as well. Again, this would need to be tied specifically to user-initiated disconnections. Not crashes, network timeouts, or otherwise. The amount of time to be added for each disconnect and the window of time before that count resets would require a bit of trail and error though. Just off the top of my head, for example: Three minutes added each time a user disconnects and reconnects within a 30 minute period. If the user stays connected to any one server for longer than half an hour, all accumulated delays reset and their next join is instant. That would prevent both server hopping for items as well as repeatedly disconnecting to escape the consequences of griefing. If a hacker or admin is about to kill a player off just for their own amusement and they need to escape they need the option to disconnect instantly. What they don't need is the ability to do it repeatedly. Leaving a character in the game without a player connected to it, ripe for the killing, will punish those who disconnect for any reason, including crashes or network issues.
  11. MisterNine


    I'm in favor of a very slight boost to the light when outdoors in addition to your eyes needing a small amount of time to adjust when moving from well lit areas to darkness (i.e. turning flashlight on/off).
  12. MisterNine


    You have a good point. The delay would need to go into effect after whatever event those keys initiate is detected instead of that specific key combination. For example when I used to host TF2 servers there were events for each type of disconnection that would appear in the logs. (lost connection, player disconnect, kicked by admin, etc.)
  13. MisterNine


    Rocket has already planned an update that gives the game the ability to log use of the ALT+F4 key combination specifically. This delay would only go into effect when that event is detected, sparing those who encounter crashes or legitimate disconnection issues.