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Everything posted by Hypperzz22

  1. Hypperzz22

    The Adrenaline Status - Stop ALT+F4ing

    Nice idea, I'm quit a fan, but isn't this pretty much the "Shock" status effect, with a little more detrimental effects?
  2. Hypperzz22

    Rimfire Weapons

    Um, OK, WTF - seems it decided I didn't say anything... again. You can see what I said by holding LMB and dragging the cursor from the first point I said something directly downwards; everything I said should be highlighted. ¬.¬
  3. Hypperzz22

    Rimfire Weapons

    ...an action that is located behind the trigger group and alongside the shooter's face, so there is no wasted space for the buttstock as in conventional designs. This permits a shorter firearm length for the same barrel length for improved maneuverability, and reduces weight. Sorry for having this in 2 posts, seems the original Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V didn't work... =/ But, I digress, I also don't think the the actual likelihood of finding these firearms in Russia is very important, as we find multiple non-Russian weapons in their very airfield control towers and barracks.
  4. Hypperzz22

    Rimfire Weapons

    Good Idea, but maybe those weapons you mentioned would take 7-8 shots, instead of nine? Also, what is this "Bullpup rifle"? As far as I'm aware, "Bullpup" weapons are weapons with, and I quote; ...a modern firearm configuration in which the action is located behind the trigger group and alongside the shooter's face, so there is no wasted space for the buttstock as in conventional designs. This permits a shorter firearm length for the same barrel length for improved maneuverability, and reduces weight. Also, I'm not sure that the actual likelihood of finding these types of weapons in the game is actually important - we find multiple variants of M4's, M16's, and lots of other non-Russian weaponry, in Russian airfields an barracks, no less.
  5. Hypperzz22

    Matches & knives are too rare.

    What? I find matches a lot - and knives ALL THE TIME. Like seriously, F-off knives!
  6. Hypperzz22

    Coitus - alternative to heatpacks

    Um... wouldn't just... you know, huddling together do the same thing in a more... (jesus, the adjectives for "this" part) ...Uh, yeah.
  7. Hypperzz22

    Golden weapons?

    Correct me if I'm mistaken, but DayZ seems to be somewhat realistic, and I'm pretty sure no countries (especially Russia) would make weapons out of gold - A reflective, heavy, and soft metal totally pointless other than for looking pretty and for it's corrosion resistance, which is not nearly enough to justify its use in weaponry.
  8. Personally, I'd be OK with weapons malfunctioning (and other weapon maintenance problems, I dunno, I'm no engineer) if I didn't properly maintain them, and scopes cracking/getting dirty, flashlights breaking, and all that "good" stuff. Running out of matches, damaging my knife, needing batteries for my NVG's are all also great ideas. I'm not so into the whole guns "Degrading", though - just getting damaged and having malfunctions, etc., it's a little unrealistic, and I'd like to follow DayZ's particular brand of pseudo-realism.