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About bolek

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  1. bolek

    Remake ZOMBIES completely

    Yes, this is exactly "undead mod", but it is crude. If it would be like DayZ, but with such zombies I will play this one, not DayZ...
  2. Make Zombies like in this video. It seems much more horrible than nowadays DayZ. If you do not have minigun, but only double-barreled shotgun it seems twice much more horrible.
  3. Dear Programmers, Please remove waypoints from the MOD. They makes game ultra easy. If you remove this from the game, people will move down the roads or with compass(REALISTIC). And in this case player have chanse to miss in the forest without food or drink. Have a nice day!
  4. Dear Sirs, Please add sex hunger to the game. Man must find woman to make love, not war. Or die from zombie or other players.
  5. bolek

    Zombies hit then running

    You can easily run from zombies, if you run throught forest. But this is OK. The problem is, that you can run whatever long time throught cherno and after run throught factory building and you are clear.
  6. Hello programmers, I have an idea, how to make the game more interesting and more harder. If player run from zombie, the zombie can hit player slightly. In this case we avoid problem, than players simply run throught cities and villages with gross amount of zombie behind. If you do like this, than Zombie can hit player while it runs, so player have 3 possibilities. 1) Run from zombie and pray about not to die while running. 2) Shoot zombie 3) Be silent No more just running without nothing through houses. Thank you for attention.
  7. Hello Programmers, I have an idea to cancel navigation function on map ( in standart Left Shift+Left mouse button) if player don't have GPS. If player have GPS work, if don't have = don't work. Game will be much more realistic. Thank you for attention!