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About the_wamburger

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  1. the_wamburger

    DayZ Build 1.6.0 Rolling Update

    http://cdn.armafiles.info/ I always do it manually. For the lols. (insert here a clever pun referring to my sex life)
  2. the_wamburger

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    Anyone care to explain what the "Zombies investigating players' deaths" means in terms of gameplay? (Or pretty please point in the good direction so I can read about it)
  3. the_wamburger

    Bandits > Survivors.

    That made no sense whatsoever. You can be a bandit without the skin, it's all part of how you play to then get your humanity to climb back up et voilà, you're the nice survivor ready to betray some gullible idiot. I personally don't like killing survivors for fun. Happened a couple times, but mostly because I was startled by someone jumping out of a bush. Bandits, on the other hand...
  4. I would like to explore and survive, find ideal remote areas for a camp, but as it currently stands, every other day I get killed/server randomly puts me on the coast. Lone wolf, more like lone deep wood marathon runner. :cool:
  5. the_wamburger

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    Hadn't seen you'd beaten me to it. :D
  6. the_wamburger

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    Will this fix the duping exploit?
  7. the_wamburger

    How to unban

    Thanks for your help Mojo, and for that extra mile you were ready to go for us. Much appreciated! :) EDIT: worked! ;)
  8. Hi guys, I've witnessed this last night (so 1.57), players on my server found a way to duplicate a player's gear. Date/Time: About 9pm GMT, March 15th. What happened: Found a way to duplicate a player's inventory. Where you were: N/A What you were doing: N/A Additional information I don't have the exact repro steps as I wasn't reproducing it myself or part of the people who found it and tried to repro it, but I'm pretty sure it's easy to repro with the information I have. The game being in a persistent setting, I do not wish to make this information public, for obvious reasons, this is why I won't explain here how to redo it, lest we see hundreds of players' game experience ruined by a few abusers duplicating endgame gear. As I figure the dev team is probably not all focusing on bugs or collecting them, I'm opening this thread so that I can hopefully receive a PM from the relevant member of the Dev team in charge, and thus avoid cluttering the wrong persons' inbox. Thanks for reading.
  9. the_wamburger

    How to unban

    Hi folks, I'm the guy who's been banned, upping this thread to see if there's any way to circumvent this. Obviously in the meantime I can go play on other servers, but we had quite a thing going on ours with supplies and friends, and my backpack being loaded I don't really want to venture in this brave new world and lose everything. Thanks for any help you might bring. :)