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About jstyle

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    On the Coast
  1. James and a couple of friends, no idea of their names, were porting people on US 303 and shooting them before they had a chance to move.
  2. (SoW) Crydex ported me in front of him, and proceeded to shoot me along the shoreline. Being the sack of terrible that he is, I still killed him...but nonetheless, died anyway.
  3. jstyle

    [SLD] SOLDIERS Recruiting

    As much as I like Kuya, most of the people who joined this clan were told it was going to be a small group of "elite" players, and not everyone would be able to be accepted. A week later it's an orgy of Alt f4'ing and scripting people who had no trial process and were told to put [sLD] in front of their name. It's not something that can be defended. My biggest question is why are you still recruiting when you haven't sorted out what is giving your "clan" such a terrible reputation? You've been a clan barely a week and half the forums have heard of something that has turned them away. TL;DR: I like Kuya. Fix the current problems before recruiting more potential problems.
  4. jstyle

    @Clan SLD/Alt f4.

    I did it to make you happy, clearly.
  5. jstyle

    @Clan SLD/Alt f4.

    Jokes on you, I spent hours thinking of that.
  6. jstyle

    Soldiers Recruiting [SLD]

    I just watched 4-5 of you alt f4 out of death. Man up.
  7. Good job. Essentially, somewhere between 8-10 of these guys come walking up on Stary at night with no visible night vision, one of them dies...and they collectively alt f4 shortly afterwards. Saw their tags in the lobby, not entirely sure which one we killed. Thank you fallen one for taking your death like a man.