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Everything posted by Distortic

  1. Distortic

    Move the spawning points

    Dont be tell me what to do and not do. If I didnt enjoy it then why would I still be playing for years. I played this game since it first came out.... Just because I like the other spawn system doesnt mean I dont like the game. The east coast has always been boring, even on the mod.
  2. Distortic

    Move the spawning points

    Probably is because im just not used to it. I played the mod almost since it came out and I just prefer the other spawns. Im trying to give it a shot but everything is normally looted and I just get bored.
  3. Distortic

    Move the spawning points

    It used to be on the other side but people still camped the coast, maybe camped it even more, but I think they should change it because the east coast is just boring. It takes so long to find loot, by the time I find a pistol I just get bored and stop playing. I want the old spawn system back more than anything.
  4. Distortic

    Looking for Epoch Clan

    Hi me and a friend of mine were thinking about getting back into epoch. We havent played in awhile but we used to have an enormous base and we are experienced with epoch. We had a group of about 5 people but they all kinda disappeared. We want to get some more people that way its not just me and him because epoch can be difficult with few people. Add me on steam if youre interested: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198037193030/
  5. Distortic

    Pooping confirmed.

    I really hope you can bag it and then force feed it to someone...
  6. Hello we are a group of about 5 and have known each other for awhile. We are looking for a few new members! We all have about a year of experience and we play both the mod and SA. We dont mind if you are new to the game we can show you the ropes and help you learn. Most of us are laidback. We have our own TS. PM me if you have any questions! [Most of us are from the US but we dont mind if you're foreign] What we expect: Have a mic and TS Speak English Be mature but be able to have fun Be able to be quiet when in a gunfight Play fair [No hacking/glitching] Dont shoot fresh spawns Reply with this format: Name: Age: Location: How often you play: How long you have played DayZ for:
  7. Distortic

    Accuracy comparison: DayZ vs ARMA 2

    Still if youre skilled enough at the game there should be a way to control it like someone else has already said. Also making ammo super rare would make it harder to defend yourself against KOSers... If someone just stocks up on ammo they could just run around KOSing even more because people couldnt fight back.
  8. Distortic

    System to Punish KoS

    No the old system was just stupid... If someone shoots at you first and you kill them you get punished. Also its so unrealistic, if someone kills people do you think they would run around with a sign saying i kill people?
  9. Distortic

    .357 op

    Theres pistols that are .50 cal... S&W 500 and the Desert Eagle .50 AE.. Just because its a pistol doesn't mean it isn't powerful
  10. Distortic

    Interesting encounter, 2nd playthrough

    Welcome to DayZ! Seems like you found one of the typical assholes :/
  11. Distortic

    vehicles you want in the game

    I want one of these! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDoRmT0iRic
  12. Distortic

    Suggestion For DayZ

    I know its only alpha and theres a lot of stuff to come, but I think it would be cool to add in something like wire cutters to the game. I always find those fences where you have to run all the way around to find a hole or to where it ends. I think it would be cool if you could cut through them.
  13. Distortic

    vehicles you want in the game

    I just hope they dont let people screw with the vehicle amounts. I hate when you find cars everywhere, I liked it when you had to earn them.
  14. Hey guys Ive been playing DayZ for about a year and a half. I have a group of about 5 guys and we dont mind helping out the new players and teaching them somethings. If any of you need help or need a group to play with add me on steam or post here! :D Steam ID: McCaslasaurus
  15. Distortic

    Any New Players Need Help?

    Yeah thats happened to me too. If you sprint and vault you can get out through one of the sides. Just keep trying!
  16. I was looking for a better CPU. Right now I have a Athlon 750k Quad core at 3.6GHz. My budget is around 200$, I was looking at the AMD FX-8350 Vishera 4.0GHz 8 core. Any recommendations?
  17. Distortic

    I want to get a better CPU

    Yeah im pretty sure my CPU bottlenecks.
  18. Distortic

    I want to get a better CPU

    I have a 7850 2gb edition. Its not my GPU its my CPU. Most games are more CPU intensive than GPU intensive.
  19. Distortic

    I want to get a better CPU

    I can wait a little longer to get some more money. I think im going with the i5 4670k.
  20. Distortic

    I want to get a better CPU

    Yeah ik i have to change my mobo thats why i can only spend about 200$. I saw the haswell i5 as well and looked into it. I think im going to be purchasing that instead.
  21. Distortic

    I want to get a better CPU

    Was also looking at a i5-3570K a lot of people were saying it was much better. Still not sure what to get though.
  22. Distortic

    What Ruins DayZ

    6: I understand this is Alpha..... but what makes Day Z mod enjoyable is the customization, and the clan/group capabilities. Loot needs to be re-organized so that people can actually make gear stashes where they respawn at (TENTS!!!!)....... PVP becomes much more fun when your group can respawn and get right back into the fight......AFTER 2 weeks of just gathering stuff for a sustained battle............. That's what made the mod fun, bring it the F**K back....... In the mod you could never spawn at your tents.... You obviously never played the mod and youre new... Combat is fun because if you die you lose everything, if you can just get all your gear back right away with no effort then its just stupid. If you want that then go to a PVP server on the mod.
  23. Distortic

    How to fix this?

    Ive seen this on the mod and stand alone. Anyone know what causes the trees to look all blobby like this? (On the left of both pictures is the best examples)
  24. Distortic

    How to fix this?

    Thanks that seemed to help
  25. Its only in alpha. If it was the other way around with no M4s and only pistols/mosin you would probably complain. Its not like when the full game is released theres only going to be M4s everywhere. Like someone else has said its replacing a lot of guns right now because they haven't been implemented yet. I dont understand why people are complaining on like the 4th day of release. Like the message says when you first start the game, its alpha and things will change.