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Everything posted by Distortic

  1. Distortic

    How to fix this?

    Ok ill try that hopefully it will work
  2. Distortic

    How to fix this?

    Anyone know a solution?
  3. Distortic

    How to fix this?

    Its still doing this even if i put object detail and anti aliasing to very high
  4. Distortic

    New to DayZ

    It kind of varies were just on at random times. On weekends we stay up until like 11-3. It all just depends on what we have going on.
  5. Distortic

    I'm a'scared.

    Check out the airfields for some ammo but be careful because theres a lot of player traffic in these areas. You really shouldnt get too scared because theres only 4 weapons in the game so they arent too hard to find if you know where to look. Ive been to the north west airfield and ive found like 4 M4s there. Try not to confront anyone because most people kill on sight. Although I have met a few friendlies its just better to stay hidden. Guns can spawn in any building but because theres not very many guns implemented yet M4s spawn in military buildings ( Air control towers, barracks, military tents, pretty much any building at an airfield.) The mosoin i belive spawns in barns but im not too sure on that because ive never found one. Hope i helped :D
  6. Distortic

    New to DayZ

    Hey a few of my friends and I have a small group of about 4 guys. One of them i just recruited today hes brand new and also 20 (Kind of weird lol.) Anyways we have all been playing for about a year and a half besides the new guy and we dont mind helping out new people. We have a TS server so if you could download TS we would have no issue taking you in. Ill PM you the ts info if youre interested. :)
  7. I could understand KOSing other people that have weapons, but when you shoot people that have nothing is just an asshole move. Dont even say "They could find a gun and come kill me" because you could have easily run off before that happens. Lolbster the DayZ community is pretty bad and is kind of ruined by trolls, but sometimes you will find friendly people. Just try and get behind cover before you speak to them. Also like others have said try and find a group.
  8. Distortic

    How to fix this?

    Ok thanks
  9. Armageddon Game Servers To play filter AGS Epoch #2 or enter the IP below IP: Server Specs: Servers running on 120gb SSD - Intel Xeon E3 1240 V3 3.40Ghz 8 core Processor - A steady 1GBPS connection soon to be 50GBPS - 32GB of Ram Features: Miss the old AS50? Yeah? Well we have it at custom AI missions, kill the AI and get the AS50, be cautious though, you might have to wage a war with other rival groups! Server Events (Ex. The admins spawn in a safe loaded with good gear and supplies then tell everyone where it is. Its insane fun when there's just a huge war between everyone on the server.) Base Building Ai Missions No Decay on building (You DONT have to maintain your base, walls,ceilings, doors, etc.) Good FPS Safe Zones in Traders Anti Theft in Traders (People cant get in your backpack) Good Admins Decent population Hero and Bandit Camps More lootable buildings in all cities Custom North Air Field Custom Novy Lug Outpost More Custom stuff will be added! Towing and More! Note: This is NOT my server and im not an admin, this is just a server I enjoy and would like to see more people to join in!
  10. Hey guys, I just got me new PC and I can play DayZ on pretty much any quality setting I want, but I have one issue. For me its incredibly hard to see people. Alot of the time they blend in with everything. They might look like a tree or some other object they're by, also once i get like 50 meters the tree's leafs get all blobby and the stumps are distorted. It makes it easy to mistake a person for part of the tree. It also makes it hard for me to use any type of gun that's not ACOG or one that has a sniper scope, unless the person is like 100 meters. If someone can give me some suggestions that would awesome.
  11. Ok ill try all of this out thanks for the help!
  12. I have postprocessing off so maybe its antialiasing, for example earlier today there was a guy on the side of a HMVV so only his upper torso and head was showing. I couldnt even see him because he blended in so much and he was only about 100-200 meters away.
  13. Hello, a friend of mine and I are trying to get a few other players for a small group. We both have played this game for a long time (I've played for over a year now.) We dont mind if youre from other countries but we play on US servers. So if you can speak English and play on US servers you can join. We have a TS server! What we want from you: -Be smart -Dont boss others around -If we are in a firefight dont talk about random shit like OMG a M9 Mag etc. (if asked to be quiet please just stop talking unless it's important.) -14+ -Speak English fluently -Have fun (Be able to take a joke) -Dont be a dick -Say something if you see someone -You dont have to be experienced we can show you the ropes Age: Experience in DayZ: When you can play: Where you are from (General Area, US, Canada, etc.):
  14. You add me, theres a lot of brandono http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198083813213/home