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Torben (DayZ)

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About Torben (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Torben (DayZ)

    Becoming Friends With Strangers Stories

    This is how I met the group I've been hanging with for a good few days now. I was back in Chern, doing my usual quick raid of the apartments and hospital before heading north. I walk up a few stairs, my trusted Winchester in hand and .. FUCK A BANDIT! He fires a few shots at me and I run down, looking over my shoulder in panic. Eventually I realise he isn't chasing me so I climb up onto the hospital, and start aiming at the stairway where he'll be forced to go down. He see him inching his way down and BAM! I fire, and I miss and he runs up again. Now I write into chat "You in apartment, you friendly?" and he says "Yes!" and so I counter "You shot first!" and he defends himself with "You were aiming a rifle at me!" I asked for a bloodbag and he crawled over, asked for my Skype. Now I hang with them and like five other guys. Good times.
  2. Torben (DayZ)

    [Z]My First Kill[Z]

    My first kill was heading east along the coast towards Chern after having met up with a friend who died, we were a group of four people. Myself a survivor still and my three buds, all bandits. So one of our guys went off to the side for some and ran in to a survivor with a makarov, who started shooting at him. Man he never saw it coming, suddently he had four guys chasing him shooting after him. I eventually got up a shot with my revolver and fired thrice and he went down. I noticed he was still alive so I stopped up and put two in the back of his skull. It was kinda sweet.
  3. Torben (DayZ)

    MERGED: Cannibalism

    So, seeing this is a post apocalypse themed game. This idea came to mind partly inspired by The Road (Awesome movie/book.) where packs of survivors (bandit sque) moves around looking for other survivors and basically turn to cannibalism in lack of other food. Would this be a good idea to implement in game? It'd certainly add to a theme. So a few questions, as I am not too familiar with code and what not. 1. Would this be doable? I imagine it being just like hunting now just make you able to do the same on dead players. 2. What would be a appropiate penatly for it? Simply humanity loss would be the obvious, but should there be more? 3. Do you feel this would encourage PvP too much?