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Everything posted by notSLICK

  1. notSLICK

    HiddenPuppy's Basics combat guide (Offensive)

    another thing that's very important is learning to describe places accurately. I'm constatnly frustrated by people who fail to describle building using features that make them unique while at the same time using "left" and "right" instead of proper cardinal directions.
  2. notSLICK

    When does loot respawn in DayZ?

    basically the answer to your question is: loot doesn't respawn. new loot only happens on a server restart. a bad choice on the devs part because it encourages server hopping. and while loot suddenly appearing periodically is a little unrealistic, it's certainly no more a departure from reality as constantly eating and drinking with zero worries about the poops and the pisses.
  3. notSLICK

    When do you feel safe to logout?

    it's a function designed to frustrate combat loggers, i'll wager.
  4. notSLICK

    Currently getting kicked from any server I join.

    listen up. do the following. go here: http://www.battleye.com/download.html follow the one line of instruction. give me beans.
  5. notSLICK

    Since the patch

    session lost. session lost. session lost. my mantra. also i just broke my personal best at holding my breath. 1:20...
  6. pressing 'g' is not complicated or inconvenient.
  7. if you wound someone and Zs finish the job, you don't get a murder.
  8. the inventory system takes time to use. it makes it a distraction that can leave you vulnerable to banditry or murder... just as it would be in a real life scenario. in tense situations, poor inventory managment can get you killed. this game rewards paying attention and thinking ahead. i've been playing FPS games since 1994, and i can honestly say that dayz provides the most thrilling, visceral, intense experience i've ever had while gaming. nothing even comes close. when you can feel your fingertips buzzing from adrenaline, and your hands are trembling , and you start to sweat, whether it be fear while getting attacked or the thrill of the hunt, no game can compare. I never played AWSD, i always used my own custom config (cntrl to fire Q and W to strafe... the rest is too weird to get into), but this game made me go back to awsd because i couldn't map my config in the arma engine. after a few months i'm almost as fluid with it as i was with my custom config (battlefield will be the final test, if i ever play it again). TLDR: i agree that the engine isn't perfect for the mod, complaining about the inventory system is neato, but it works slow for a reason. it's still the most thrilling game experience i've ever had. i own a lot of games and haven't played any of them since i installed dayz.
  9. it looks like they need to fix the dayz commander install. just follow the simple step by step instructions in the video.
  10. notSLICK

    Lingor Island Mod

    or a southpark "got any change?" mod for the Zs. http://www.southparkstudios.com/clips/248462/attack-of-the-change
  11. notSLICK

    Close range aiming is screwed up.

    your aim in 3rd person is off because of the difference in POV.
  12. TLDR: i'm a liar with no honor, avoid me in game and in real life.
  13. my friend plays skyrim on his, if it's a good one with a core iX proc (or perhaps even a c2d) and a reasonable graphics chip it should work fine. if not i'll trade you your arma II OA on steam for abe's exodus.
  14. google is your friend. it should be your first avenue of inquiry every time. i found wich tells me YES you can play the game on your machine.good luck.
  15. notSLICK

    DayZ IRL Shooting the Lee Enfield

    the enfield is a hitter for sure. love it. beans for you.
  16. idealy i go back to my corpse and recover my gear... but that's only happened twice. it depends on where i spawn. but i always have to go to a city to be sure i find matches. if i'm in kamenka i follow the deer stands north and cut over towards stary. if near electro i go to three valleys via castle Rog and head to the factory and then to berezino and from there to the n/e airfield. if i ever find a bike i go riding aimlessly a la 'tour de cherno'. fun
  17. notSLICK

    Suggestion! Scary stuff

    pretty sure that mission is based on the zombie sandbox mod.
  18. *snivel* i got bored... *snivel*
  19. notSLICK

    If you could have any gear setup in DayZ, what would it be?

    L85 AWS g17 NVG couple smoke nades a few steaks map compas watch matches/knife camo clothing i'm very happy with the kit i'm carrying right now.
  20. notSLICK

    Heroes few and far between?

    i ran into my first hero today. i didn't need any help or anything. i offered him a couple of the steaks i'd just cooked and he declined. we exchanged some small talk and went on our respective ways. medics kick ass. i have no idea how to contact one if i need one, but this particular guy came running at the sound of me agroing a Z (somewhere a couple km inland as well). he scared the hell out of me and i almost shot him, i'm glad i didn't... i would have felt terrible. i respect the hero skin for the effort it takes to earn and even felt strangely honored at my happenstance encounter. it made my day and i told him so. cheers to the heroes!
  21. apple and oranges, geek.
  22. you got bored so you hacked. may a disseased blind hooker win the chance to pee in your mouth.
  23. notSLICK

    How did you kill your first victim?

    was in the elctro market. guy takes shots at me from the hotel across the street. made like i was fleeing, doubled back and slayed his ass.
  24. drop your weapon to use your hatchet as a weapon, but not to chop wood.
  25. notSLICK


    expecting players to google every weapon they find is stupid. hacked in weapons exist but not everyone is going to know what's what. it's an issue that needs to be addressed but punnishing people who don't hack for the transgressions of those who do is STUPID.