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Everything posted by notSLICK

  1. notSLICK

    DayZ is a mod.

    no. oblong spheroid.
  2. notSLICK

    Getting chased by an helicopter.

    not really, you only had to turn left.
  3. neato. one question: although skins have been removed will people still be considered bandits if they have a low enough humanity level? as in, " I think they guy i killed was a bandit because i lost zero humanity." or conversely, "I think that guy wasn't a bandit because suddenly i'm at 344 humanity." huh? huh?
  4. notSLICK

    Getting chased by an helicopter.

    always cross under the body of the helo, it forces the pilot to maneuver and the gunner to have to reaquire you as a target.
  5. that guy wasn't a bandit, dummy.
  6. people with current gen PC hardware get lag in the cities... how in the fuck do you think the xbox (which was obsolete hardware before it was released) is gonna run it? it won't.
  7. i've never used steam to play dayz except as an experiment. dayz commander is superior when it comes to managing dayz.
  8. i don't stream becasue i'm boring, but if i did i wouldn't bitch and complain when people stream sniped me. take a babys walk.
  9. notSLICK

    To the dead hero on US1649

    best for who? or fuck that! or leaking random intel to the forums only serves to make things more interesting.
  10. no, admins are not there to make sure you behave honorably. why the fuck would you even think such a thing?
  11. i got mine from a dead man
  12. notSLICK

    Would you Abort if in Danger of death?

    no lie. i will abort to avoid zombies if i an in a building with no escape. i will never abort to avoid death by another player.
  13. notSLICK

    my humanity is ridiculous....

    your humanity goes up 60 pts per minute. stop killing players and you'll get there eventually.
  14. what the fuck is "non PvP server?". this is dayz, not WoW.
  15. notSLICK

    Talking dirty to a random survivor

    shut that kid up!
  16. notSLICK

    DayZ mod runs on karma engine 3

    lol. i had an mg-36 for a few days. i found it on a dead body. it was terrible so i switched it out for an AKM. admins who ban for hacked weapons with knowing who is responsible for spawning it are both stupid, and an asshole on purpose.
  17. notSLICK

    Zombie : Player Ratio

    it seems like they spawn if you make loud noise. i've been in a server that had 4 people on it and at one point there were over 140 Zs listed alive in the debug window.
  18. it's allowed because it's possible. it's not honorable, but it isn't hacking either.
  19. i don't have to. it falls under the blanket term "meta-gaming".
  20. notSLICK

    No Gun?

    you have to go find a gun.
  21. you have to reload it before you can use it. use 'f' to cycle to hatchet from flares.
  22. notSLICK

    What is wrong with the lighting?!?

    it's called high dynamic range lighting. it simulates the way yoru eyes adjust to different light conditions.
  23. ghosting is meta-gaming. meta-gaming is encouraged by rocket himself.