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Everything posted by jk_scowling

  1. jk_scowling

    How come a lot of people have working M4/Mosin's?

    I have one, found it in some garages, got ammo too. I never did find 5.56mm for the M4 I've been lugging around.
  2. jk_scowling

    How to change a KOS'er mentality?

    Tell him hostage taking is more fun and go and do some non-lethal banditing.
  3. jk_scowling

    every server is dark

    But then you have to drag the battery over and attach it, ain't nobody got time for that shit!
  4. jk_scowling

    When should we expect majority of bugs to be fixed?

    This is still early in development, bugs will be fixed but new ones will be introduced.
  5. jk_scowling

    Who is your best friend in Dayz?

    I be all your good friend.
  6. jk_scowling

    E3 and our attendance

    I'll just snipe you from across the hall.
  7. Most other games seem to be G for grenade so I don't find this too much to adapt to. Plus it adds some comedy value watching Arma II players playing Arma III. Really though, just remap your controls.
  8. jk_scowling


    A man of simple pleasures.
  9. jk_scowling

    Lets be honest: How many times?

    Too many times, but I am VERY BAD AT THIS GAME.
  10. jk_scowling

    Dirty Death Messages

    I'd agree, would add some tenseness to shooting someone at a distance and approaching the body thinking, did I get him?
  11. jk_scowling

    50 cal crybabies

  12. jk_scowling

    People shooting freshspawns

    I remember when the servers were hard to log in to, you would be waiting for 15 mins half an hour to load, then arrive on the beach and bam... Wait for another half an hour. Now that was annoying. Getting shot on the beach now, so what?
  13. jk_scowling

    Dayz SA to be a failure

    This, I try and play on vanilla as I can find on private hives.
  14. jk_scowling

    Dayz SA to be a failure

    We're all doomed!
  15. They would need to redo so much stuff for it to work, the way the zombies attack they would need to be able to grab you to be effective, there would need to be more of them, way more than the engine can handle. If they were just slowed down they would be nothing more than decoration, once you learn the mechanics they are easy enough already. Well until you get careless or something or break your legsies.
  16. Is this post uninteresting on purpose? If so, well done.
  17. jk_scowling

    Arma3 Dayz MOD vs Dayz Standalone

    No, it will fix some issues, and reduce the worst hacking excesses. There will still be other stuff like the KOS mentality, and associated forum whinges, (maybe changes to mechanics will reduce this a little) the usual aiming hacks etc. Hopefully it will bring more deep gameplay and shiny things as well.
  18. jk_scowling

    Arma3 Dayz MOD vs Dayz Standalone

    Henceforth I will catagorise it is the Arma2.banana engine.
  19. jk_scowling

    225 km2

    but how many km3 is it? That's the real question.
  20. It is the most depressing town in all of Chernarus, on top of which, it's the apocalypse.
  21. jk_scowling

    Mike Tyson zombies

    You failed to treat zombies with the necessary respect. You died. Get over it.
  22. jk_scowling

    Starting Gear.. sucks.

    Because you are at a disadvantage then. But yeah, find a vanilla server.
  23. jk_scowling

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    Agreed, the video is fine. I'd rather have regular quickly produced videos that give a good amount of info like this.
  24. jk_scowling

    The best feeling in Dayz

    Hopefully the standalone will be different enough to get that feeling again for a while.
  25. jk_scowling

    Bullet wounds are horribly unrealistic

    Yep we should definitely have a permadeath system that invalidates your cd key, deletes the game and formats your hard drive just to be sure, would be truly hardcore and realistic then.