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Everything posted by h00g

  1. Terrible griefer nuking the city, his player model glowing green, and with god mode on. Saw him and attempted to kill him before leaving the server. He was AFK and still couldn't be killed. The center of Elektro had most buildings destroyed. This happened at 11:55 PM US Eastern time.
  2. h00g

    Hacker on US 1383

    His peen must be infantile. That's why he hacks.
  3. h00g

    Hacker on US 1383

    He's probably the guy above me that called me "Tom Brokaw".
  4. Basically, the major cities are all on fire, circa now. I was in Elektro and all of a sudden a bunch of people died at the same time. Someone has clearly nuked a bunch of the major cities. Ban the hell out of these tiny-peened scumbags. Report them to Battleye and get a global ban on those GUIDs, please.
  5. The people that didn't get kicked when the whole server got kicked for script restriction are probably hacking with the aid of a Battleye bypass. refer to this thread, the comment halfway down by jessedayz: http://www.***.net/forum/624-dayz-hacks/495683-whole-server-being-kicked-via-script-restriction.html "this happened when i spawned a heli once , whole server was being kicked for Script Restriction and me and my mate who had bypasses were fine thought it was hilarious!"
  6. Terrible griefer nuking the city, his player model glowing green, and with god mode on. Saw him and attempted to kill him before leaving the server. He was AFK and still couldn't be killed. The center of Elektro had most buildings destroyed. This happened at 11:55 PM US Eastern time.
  7. This was at 9:50 US Eastern time. There was no teleporting, just a giant list of people dying. I was on the roof of the hospital in the north of Cherno and died while prone with almost no way I could have been shot. At least 12 or 14 people died in the previous minute with very few people on the server. My brother died the same way about 15 seconds before with no player or zombies nearby. Was anyone else there who can comment?
  8. I was in an apartment building in the northwest of Cherno, by the hospital with my friend and we could hear satchel charges blowing up. We also could see zombies running and smoke rising above the hospital. It looked exactly like the satchels from Arma II. A guy came on direct chat and said he saw us and laughed when I asked if he was the hacker blowing up satchel charges all over the city. All of a sudden I was blown up along with my friend. I assume it was a satchel charge, like the 50 or so explosions we heard. Ban this guy, please. Check the logs.
  9. Don't know if anyone's interested, but I am offering an assassination contract. There's a guy named LikeaBAWS near Stary Sobor on US 1040. He was on the hill just north of town, near the grey building with the blue fence. I had a chat with him about going and raiding the supermarket for supplies and then getting the military loot, to which he replied "No thanks, I'll just leave". He waited for me to go first and then shot me in the back. I would gladly trade you any food/water/morphine/blood packs that you'd need, as I have plenty, if you would kill him. I think he was operating alone, but I don't know for sure. Keep all his loot, and I will give you 8 items of your choice from the categories above.
  10. h00g

    sorry i killed you on uk8117

    He was apologizing for killing a noob named "Brad" on uk8117, you smarmy fart huffer.
  11. I have no idea if those people are even connected. Are they?
  12. I would appreciate it. I'm also looking for a decent group. I have a vent server, too.
  13. It's not like I had a choice. If you decide to take on the contract, take a screenshot of his dead ass and PM me. I'll meet up with you under controlled circumstances in a safe place to pay you.
  14. Wow... if you search "US61", it sure is a hotspot for cheating. I had a lot of fun on this server before the hackers got to it.
  15. h00g

    US61 NY2 Deathmatch mode

    This happened to me about 30 minutes later on this same server and I lost all my stuff. The scumbags were really out in force last night.
  16. Was up north of Stary Sobor with decent gear after spending a couple hours playing. Some jerk teleported all the players on the server near a major city and just mowed us all down about 1:10 AM US East. I would assume it's not admin abuse and just some basement-dweller getting gear the easy way. Of course, it could be the admin, also. Time to ban him and make him have to buy the game again. It was light out and then all of a sudden it was pitch black when I respawned.