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About pimpinlobsta

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  1. pimpinlobsta

    Good Fight.

    is this game co op? could me and friends play this together?
  2. i might just be having badluck but 9/10 i join a server people are hacking in it nuking,godmode,ect anyone got some good servers?
  3. pimpinlobsta

    banned from CA1

  4. pimpinlobsta

    banned from CA1

  5. pimpinlobsta

    banned from CA1

    there it is guys hopefully this will help me get unbanned from the server... the SERVER not global
  6. pimpinlobsta

    banned from CA1

    ingame name is Tryndamere and the person who banned is named Gaberiel or something like that. uploading proof to youtube atm will post link here when its done ETA 8 minutes
  7. pimpinlobsta

    banned from CA1

    Hello i was playing on my favorite server last night around 3 am EST, and i knew some weird stuff was happening on server sometimes i would teleport to different locations and instantly teleport back randomly and it would happen to everyone. We believed there was a hacker doing this because some people were also dying from this. another thing was there were helicopters, The Huey. i really don't know what to type because i dont really know a reason why i got banned i will provide proof that someone was hacking and it was not me by this YouTube video of me getting teleported back and forth. The only thing i can think of that i got banned for was i got into a helicopter i found in balota, i was asking other players if it was safe and they said yes that they returned them to the game. and still if it was a hacked helicopter i dont see why i got banned for making a careless mistake its not like i spawned it. And to top it off that persons helicopter teleported to my base and shot and killed me and ravaged my tents... i honestly dont see why i got banned. Please help me get unbanned for something that was not my fault, and if this helps i heard that someone named Gabriel was going to go into the logs and ban whoever looks suspicious...in my opinion that's not a good way to deal with someone hacking your sever to ban innocent players. \ Curgon locked my other thread saying it was not okay to post a global ban appeal on here when this is not a globan ban.... apprently he cant read
  8. Hello i was playing on my favorite server last night around 3 am EST, and i knew some weird stuff was happening on server sometimes i would teleport to different locations and instantly teleport back randomly and it would happen to everyone. We believed there was a hacker doing this because some people were also dying from this. another thing was there were helicopters, The Huey. i really don't know what to type because i dont really know a reason why i got banned i will provide proof that someone was hacking and it was not me by this YouTube video of me getting teleported back and forth. The only thing i can think of that i got banned for was i got into a helicopter i found in balota, i was asking other players if it was safe and they said yes that they returned them to the game. and still if it was a hacked helicopter i dont see why i got banned for making a careless mistake its not like i spawned it. And to top it off that persons helicopter teleported to my base and shot and killed me and ravaged my tents... i honestly dont see why i got banned. Please help me get unbanned for something that was not my fault, and if this helps i heard that someone named Gabriel was going to go into the logs and ban whoever looks suspicious...in my opinion that's not a good way to deal with someone hacking your sever to ban innocent players.
  9. pimpinlobsta

    Banned from CA1?

    bump for justice
  10. pimpinlobsta

    Banned from CA1?

    I was banned today aswell i saw callum on that server looks like gabe banned everyone what a dick