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Everything posted by himmu03212

  1. himmu03212

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Third time that Soul held me alive. Thanks mate...
  2. We are a Group of 8 people right now. And were searching for more. I hope we get some more players soon. You need just 4 things to join us: - enough skill to join us by your own - headset (TS³) - german langauge skills - over 16
  3. himmu03212

    Day Z Wallpapers

    There just for you, NOW GIVE MAH YOUR BEANS! theres a second better version of the first one hope you guys like it
  4. himmu03212

    Day Z Wallpapers

    my newest creation
  5. himmu03212

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Once again, TMW´s are my heroes. Soul rescued me once again. Without him i would be dead already. I owe you something once again. Thanks
  6. I never felt guilty. I do not care about these people who i have killed. I killed 16 people in my current life. And i cared about none. And you know why? Because these people made me to what i am now. They killed me over and over again, without reason. Now i had become what they are. The only difference between them and me is, that i am seem to be a better killer.
  7. himmu03212

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    These guys are the best thing in Day Z. SoulShaper2 you are my hero. I wont forget that you helped me.
  8. Look what uve become? Are you still a survivor?
  9. I also had this bug, it brought me back an MP5 which i had given to a friend. (He still had his after that).
  10. himmu03212

    Something strange

    Do you ever experienced this kind of instant disconnects? Today it happened again. I saw 2 people, shot the first one and killed one of them, but his body was not there since the first second he died. (But i got a murder kill). His friend was able to disconnect before i killed him. But then he were right behind me and killed my friend (I am fucking sure he was it, same weapon, ghillie and NV). Sometimes i even shot them and did not get the murder kill and they disappeared, like an instant disconnect when you get shot. that is pretty annoying.
  11. himmu03212

    Something strange

    Yea i guess that, but its horrible. I don not know how, but that needs to get fixed. Maybe that the character of him stays there for 2 minutes. Then you could shoot an ALT+F4 noob.
  12. Saw a guy in the barracks, i shot him, he shot me, he was dead, i just was bleeding to death. It was going darker and darker, but then my friend came, gave me an epipen in my ass and i was under the living again. But this firefight was awesome, because we both broke down in the same time.
  13. himmu03212

    DayZ Stories

    Me and my friend were looting an enemy camp. Before that we killed 2 of their guards. The camp was deep in the woods. I felt bad about killing them, but we had to, we needed some supplies and more stuff for their own tents. my friend was jumping on their tents, he said "wow amazing stuff in their look". But i felt very bad, something was wrong, fucking wrong. Thats why i wasnt looking what stuff was in there. I was looking around, just stones and gras moving in the wind. But i heard a strange noise. Then it happened, someone stood up, rightinfront of my, with his ak on the back of my friend. I was so fucking scared, i stood up with my DMR and unload it on him. He died instantly because i hit his face and my friend had a really big shock too. Im sorry for these guys, i killed 3 off them on this day, they were my countrymen, but we were the stronger bandits.
  14. Youre right, a bandit whos camping around the coast isnt a bandit. Hes a noob killing kiddo. Whats wrong with you people? Mess up with some good guys with good stuff. Not some noobs, spawned with torchlights and maybe an makarov with 2 mags in their hand. Most bandits are scared of NW airfield, because the survivors their dont just own makarovs. There youre going much more faster without skill. On coastline everyone can survive very long, you just need an automatic rifle and a good position to camp. And 50% of that guys who come around are noobs. Some of them cant even read maps correctly. They dont even know where they are and you going to kill them as a bandit? A bandit isnt a guy who steals the lollypop from an 1 years old boy.
  15. Its very easy to see, that this guys is a noobbasher. He kills people without any good loot. He must kill them near the spawn. Because he just has 5 bandits kills. There you can see that hes killing innocent people, maybe noobs. People who are silly anyways, i dont care about them and im in the NW, no noob ever goes there, they love their coast and their firestations in cherno and elektro. But who cares? Let him do what he wants, dont blame him for being a noobhunter. Its Day Z, you need to deal with these guys. If you dont want to meet such campers, dont go to camperspots (coastline). Its easy. I life since more than 40 days. Ive got 2 Bandit kills and just 9 murders. And im happy with my high end shit. Just the coast is like a mindless pvp zone, everything else is cool. So if you dont want to get killed by spawncamping bitches, dont camp around the spawnarea and team up, because if youre alone, youre an easy bait.
  16. himmu03212

    DayZ Screenshots!

    Here are some screenshots of mine, tell me what you think, i love this game =) Me and my friend sneaking right into an enemy camp. That was a scary night. Me and ma friends! Meet our crazy machine gunner =) what da heck? that just looks beautiful
  17. himmu03212

    Day Z Wallpapers

    My last creation, just for you guys, hope you like it.
  18. himmu03212

    No Cars?

    I was playing on a server, which has cars activated. Im sure it has, because friends of me saw some there driving around. My question is, why i dont find one? I was in stary sobor, guglovo, mogilevka, chernagorsk, balota and some other citys. I FOUND NONE, now im depressed. I got everything, a ghillie, NVG, GPS, my DMR and a rangfinder, with the best backpack ingame. But i got no car, why i dont find one? Is it a grudge? Because i killed 10 innocent players in that life? =(
  19. himmu03212

    Day Z Wallpapers

    Too much racism for my taste.
  20. himmu03212

    DayZ Screenshots!

    Yes you got him, hes a fish!
  21. I confess too. The worst things i have done? Well i kill people, just to hunt them like animals. I once shot a guy (he had a friend with him) in the leg with a sniper rifle. I had a ghillie suit, i knew they cant see me and they didnt realized what hit him. He was crouching in the open, his friend showed up to help him. 2 clean shots. The only thing i took away from them, were the GPS devices. You can call me a bandit with my current life because killed 2 bandits, but i also got 10 murder kills. I just do it, to enjoy their fear. Shot a guy on 400 meters in the stomach. He survived and i stopped firing, because he turned around and shot on nothing. But he was in the city (i was sure he gets eaten), I found him 20 meters away from his position where he got wounded, eaten by hoppers as he broke down. Sometimes i watch players through my scope and im just waiting for them, to feel save. And then i shoot, i always feel that they are scared, because they mostly shoot in the air, or their friends in the back. And I just became that monster, because a single guy, who i helped shot me in the face as he came closer. (And he told me hes friendly). Before that i just rescued random people, to get a single thanks.
  22. himmu03212

    Day Z Wallpapers

    Two more from me, feel free to use:
  23. himmu03212

    DayZ Screenshots!

    Find the guy in the picture! :rolleyes:
  24. himmu03212

    Do ghillie suits / camo work?

    I have one too. It works again
  25. himmu03212

    It has come to my attention...

    Then i would call you a regulator, not a bandit. Whos kills to protect, isnt a bandit in my eyes.