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Everything posted by himmu03212

  1. 42 c is normal. That is true, for day z. But is with C Celsius meant? Normal body temperature should be then 37-38 but above 40 is high fever and 42 is already deadly.
  2. himmu03212

    Has DayZ made you laugh out loud?

    A friend and me were crawling, he rolled over me and broke my legs..We got enough medicals so it was not a problem. But we laughed the shit out of us because my player made such a fag noise when he broke his legs.
  3. Yea you can clearly see that they were overrun by zombies. Sometimes its sad to see the military corpses. It takes the hope to find a zone, where people could act social to each other. That is the reason why the community got to do this, rocket cant and he should not. But we, the players in this world should stop this random killing and bring law to the lawless land.
  4. Das ist außschließlich ein englisches Forum, also schreibt bitte in Englisch. I respektiere das auch so wie die anderen auch, unsere Muttersprache ist auch nicht englisch. / This is an english only forum, so write in english please! I also respect that and most other people here also do and our native language isnt english too. Haltet euch an die Regeln, das ist unhöflich gegenüber den Anderen. / Stick to the rules, its not polite to do this in here.
  5. We are searching for a group, we would prefer to have some germans. But we also take good english speakers. You dont have to be an english native speaker, but it would be nice when you have basic skills. Now youre asking yourself, why should you play with guys like us? Well maybe youre lonely and youre searching for a nice group to join in. The answer is easy, because we are good team. The core of our group is made of elite ArmA players who play since OFP 1. We are veterans in shooting and use military tactics to rule this battlefield. Two men of us killed 25 guys without getting killed. We are used to PVP. But that also means that you need disclipine. Because we are very serious about "not going to die". We do everything nice and slow. Thats why you should atleast above 16. But you dont need to be a veteran right now on the beginning, we could teach you a lot of stuff and just by following us you would get stuff very fast. Stuff like MGs, Singleautomatic Sniper Rifles, FN FAL Nightvision, alice and coyote Backpacks and a lot of medical stuff. We always find stuff like that, but we have no use for it (because we are already got good loot and were not going to die with it). Thats why we want to become larger. To share our loot with a larger group and earning thier loyalty. We got the dream of vehicle groups. A big hidden base, were our group (when its become larger) can bring in a lot of good stuff for "harder times". We also got a teamspeak server, so you need TS3 and a good working headset. Got working means without a waterfall behind you.
  6. himmu03212

    It has come to my attention...

    LoL you guys are horrible. I wont say im not a bandit, because i never refuse to kill someone if i want to. But to kill someone is enough pain i guess. You dont have to blame them much more. Just shot them, being cruel like this just makes them to killers. Day Z needs people who fight for justice. Bandits hunt for loot, there should be another name, for something else like you, sth. like insane raiders. xD
  7. himmu03212

    nothing like the rush of not killing

    I know that kind of felling, when youre trying to trust someone. I was on the Airport, it was night on my server, very dark and lonely. But then i saw a guy, looting the Garages. I came closer to him, but sth. told me "you dont have to kill him". I stand on the open front of the garage, but behind the wall and he wasnt able to see or shot me. Then i told him "im friendly and i wont kill him if he wont kill me". Before that i just met people who tried to kill me, which i had to shot. But he was different. I heard his british friendly voice. I came around the wall, aimed for his head and he tried to aim for me, but had a shock, he wasnt able to aim and i shouted: "DONT SHOOT ITS ME, DONT DO IT" i kept aiming on me, or he was trying. Then i came around the corner, closer to him, i dont know what drove me to this, but i was putting my gun down, so did he and we became good friends. We were talking to each other for 5 mins. about our feelings, because we both were sure the other would shot us. Sometimes, even in Day Z you find an piece of humanity. Day Z is more than a game its like an social experiment, awesome.
  8. himmu03212

    Your most evil plot

    I got several evil plots. Once we attracted another german player, he trusted us, because we were speaking the same language, we told him to get to a certain point, he was so lucky that he will find some new friends. He told us that he felt lonely. We were hiding in the thick tall grass, as he came in. He was not very carefully, we stood up one MG and an M14 shot on the same time on him. He had no chance and we looted his good stuff. Second plot were as i was running on the edge of the woods, saw two people coming out. It just was a random event, i didnt know they would be there. I could have talked to them, because i knew these guys were germans, but i dont gave a fuck, i shot both. And then i thought, why are these guys running out of a forest in nowhere? Then i knew it, there had to be a tent, thier homebase. And i knew some of them were also on the server. One of my men found it then, thier camp, we were looting it and i knew someone of them had to be around. Then he showed up and he wanted to kill my friend from behind, but he didnt see me in my ghillie suit, i was right infront of him in a bush, i fired my DMR mag empty on his face. My friend was glad, thier base was completly empty and almost everyone of thier group was killed by a bandit sniper who gives a fuck on talking. Mommy said nether trust a stranger, so do i. Really i should care for others, but me and my group had enough russians, who shot us on sight. Since we do that with others, no one died again. We kill them with axes, sniperrifles, mgs, mostly they dont even know that they are dead. But if our group is seeing someone, then we go for a kill. Day Z is a cruel world, where some things must to be done. Killing on sight is in european servers one of these things. Its not like on US Server where the half of the people is friendly because they are from the same nation. You even cant trust your own here.
  9. I still got my ghillie suit too. Thats no hack, thats skill to survive several bugpatches. I also have GPS, NVG, Coyote Backpack and one Rangefinder for my friend, because im the DMR sniper. And i killed some AS50 freaks on my roads, but i kept my DMR, cause its better.
  10. Private servers are shit, it just leads as in the world of local admin control. And they mostly known as kicking and banning bitches, if youre better as them.
  11. himmu03212

    Where do you draw the line?

    Its also a problem yes. The most people want sth. like an arcade experience, nothing realistic. So they think they get to loot more and more people just by doing traps. And then they miss their target, because they are bad as hell, and then? A hater is born. They begin to hate this game, for his realistic difficulty and fair chances against over people. Most casual gamers which join day z want to "RULE THE WORLD" by their skill. Atleast they think that. But the truth is, arma is a very realstic game, difficult to handle. And the reason why im able to kill an intire group by my own is, because this game is realistic and thats the problem of the most gamers. They seek the wrong experience in this game. They think they gonna loot everyone on their way, they just need to attack it when they see it. But arma is about good firing positions, aiming, a really waterproof plan. And the most important thing? Patience. Younger guys dont have that, so they run, sometimes with light signals in their hand through places. People who just go there for an PVP experience mostly stop playing fast, because they arent able to "rule". This isnt CoD, you do not have that much chances to kill and you dont respawn near to the combat field again. I love this game, because it takes much presure on the player. But the most players seek a fast fun making experience, without presure and the need of a good plan. They just read about day z and think "wow im a super cod soldier, im so good in realistic war games". I dont say cod is like shit, but its a different experience and much more easier. But Huuwap, i dont think that is a problem, because there are enough players out there who really want what rocket gives them. And im one of them. I was killed in very cruel and fast ways. But im not crying about it, because i want that fair realistic expierience, where my death can await me on every fucking corner on a hughe map. These guys are playing an ArmA II mod, but what they want is dead island or left 4 dead.
  12. himmu03212

    Murders: 7 ... Bandits killed: 0

    I got two bandit kills. That were some guys camping in an house, waiting for innocent survivors to come in. But a bigger monster ate them alive, me. =)
  13. himmu03212

    Pending Update: Build

    Rocket, youre awesome, keep on doing the good work. I would be one of the guys who would buy this game for 30€. Some things needs to be fixed, some things need to be added. And it has its bugs. But i see you working on it, more than some bigger very well paid companys ever did on thier released games. Do what capcom called "already dead". Youre a pionieer of a new game type, of a new way the worlds react on players. Dont be afraid to move on with your vision.
  14. himmu03212

    Looking to be picked up by organized squad

    I guess you wont find a good organized group. Because bandits dont add another random people in thier group if they dont have too.
  15. himmu03212

    Hernold the Axe Murderer

    People like you made me to what i am in the game now. A cold blooded sniper with 12 cuts on his rifle. First i just wanted to team up this others. Now i just want to hunt others.
  16. himmu03212

    Raging clusterfuck

    There was a single guy, called kain. He started something, which would never stop. Thats why youre forced to kill others. Thats the way human nature works.
  17. himmu03212

    Where do you draw the line?

    I start to kill until i see someone armed in my way. Someone is armed for me if hes close enough and has an hatched. Someone with firearms get instantly killed. Im a european player, we in europe are a different kind. Because we got the "russians". Which are well known as the non english speakers who kill and rape everything they find. Thats why im like this, you never know if you see are russian or not. If you see one, he will open fire when he thinks he can hit you. Thats the problem. They dont even write in our letters. I prefer to stay alive, the only way to do that, is to kill everyone else whos not in my group. I killed 12 people with my current life and just 50% were self defense. But i dont care, because im sure that i wouldnt stay alive for 40 days without killing this people. I dont regret.
  18. himmu03212

    I'm a heartless murderer...

    Yea i know what you mean, first its the will to protect your own people and yourself, but then it becomes something like a sport. Which you do because of the adrenaline. Im always feel very serious and concentrated when im about to kill from around 500 m. But when the shots are fired im laughing about the people who did not see it coming and struggled to survive until their bitter end. Once i saw two people running over a wide open area to the woods. I saw them through my scope, there were zombies behind them. One of them were already bleeding. They arived the edge of the wood. One of them were out of my field of view, but the bleeding guy were patching him self up on the edge. I took a deep breath and shot him right in his head. His friend didnt realized what happend to him. And he didnt know from where i fired my single shot. I waited 10 min. smiling, waiting for his friend. I knew he would come back for his corpse. And then is saw him sneaking to the dead body. I fired again, this time he just was stuned, i came closer to him, fired 2 shots in his head from 2 meters. I buried them and knew by thier names that they were my countrymen, could i have talked to them? But i prefered to kill them just because of thier possible good stuff. This behaviour was burned into me by others. My group was trying to find good stuff by looting houses. But we found out, that dead bodys drop the best things and we really enjoy making players into dead bodys because of that. Im honest, people dont want to talk if they know that they can dominate.
  19. himmu03212

    Why are people such assholes?

    I got pretty good stuff now and my mind tells me to shoot everyone i dont know, because they did, before i did it to them before they get the chance. And its pretty good running since that, ive got 12 kills (just to defend myself) and im still under the living. Its sadly but needs to be done if you want to survive...
  20. himmu03212

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    This sounds great, i hope i can join the next fort which will be made!
  21. himmu03212

    Introduce yourselves

    Hello, my name is Cerberus. Im an old german OFP veteran which enjoys to play day z right now. I love this game and i enjoy to play it with my friends. If you want to add me over Steam you can find my profile under http://steamcommunity.com/id/cerberus03212/ And i love Rocket!
  22. Without a sniper? i guess 300. But im a ghillie suit sniper, i prefer to kill on 600 meter with my DMR.
  23. himmu03212

    I'm a heartless murderer...

    Like everyone else i became sick of dying because everyone is playing Day Z like an PVP only game. And then i realized that being a hunter of humans, makes much more fun, than of zombies or good loot. Thats why i used my ArmA veteran skills to snipe other players. But i dont just snipe noobs without guns. Im around the airport and i like them good stuff in thier hands. I noticed that this makes me really enjoy the game. Hunting humans, watching them through my scope, planing to kill them, when they do thier next step. Seeing them scared as hell, shooting around. I shot one guy in the leg, just to see him eaten by the zombies from 500 m distance. I wounded another guy, and tracked him down. Until he bleed to death. And thats why im heartless, i did not do it for thier stuff, i did do it to hunt them. Zombies are boring and stupid, i killed 620 in my current life. But i most enjoyed my 12 human kills. I love to watch them, while im sitting in tall grass, invisible for the most people because of my ghillie suit. Some i killed to protect my group, but most of them i killed, because i wanted to, i had the option to stay hidden, to avoid a fight, but i always picked to kill these unkowing people, waiting for the perfect shot, then pulling the trigger. Through my killings i found all the stuff which i wanted as one of the good survivors, but i turned into an bloody bandit, because people made me to. Thats why im really heartless, i dont care who im aiming on, if he has a gun, he needs to be killed. Because he is a threat to me, or could become one. I also robbed a lot of camps and killed one of the defenders there. He came up, tried to kill my friend which was pulling out stuff out of thier tents. (He knew we were coming, because we killed all of his friends which tried to get to the next city). Something told me it wasnt save there, so i prefed to stay hidden in the grass and then i saw him coming, sneaking behind my friend saw him aiming on him. And i dont feel sorry for him, or his group, not a single second, because its "kill or be killed". This time, i was faster again, thats why im still living. Thats the only reason i need to kill.