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Tyler Salwierz

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Everything posted by Tyler Salwierz

  1. Glad to hear that you are having a good experience. :)
  2. I'm referring to quality datacenters with quality servers - not that OVH crap. Yes you can definitely find some cheap dedis out there but if you want quality that's another story entirely.
  3. Why would you want to spend 4x as much on a dedi when you can find reputable providers here with no problems?
  4. Average setup time right now is one hour!
  5. Quick update guys, all of the pending ID's just got approved so I will be setting up the servers within the hour. If you purchase now, your server will be setup within two hours at the most. :)
  6. It's good to hear you are enjoying your time here Denalb! :)
  7. Who needs sleep?? It's not worth it. Enjoy your server :)
  8. Assuming you can join other servers running the same beta version and DayZ version, it must be a whitelisting issue unless the patch has the incorrect version files in it due to a mistake. Essentially, if someone violates the DayZ rules and gets the IP range HA has blacklisted then you'd be running into this issue. The same goes for if the InstanceID's were just assigned - it can take a while for DayZ system to whitelist the IPs. Your best bet at this point is to open a support ticket with HA.
  9. Your server is not running the correct beta patch / DayZ version / Hive version - or it's not whitelisted.
  10. I'm still waiting on several dozen pending InstanceID's right now with DayZ but hopefully within the next 24-42 hours.
  11. More nodes are now online so hopefully I wont run out of stock again for a while.
  12. Thank you! I take great pride in providing quality hosting - it's great to hear you had a good experience with us in the past. :)
  13. I've updated the order page to reflect the DayZ rules everyone is required to follow as some people didn't know about them and it caused much confusion. This should clarify matters for everyone.
  14. Thank you for the kind words! I just ran out of InstanceID's for budget and there is one remaining for premium. I have a couple dozen pending ID's right now waiting for approval from DayZ so there will likely be a 24-72 hour provisioning time. No, the server.cfg is still restricted - you're limited to changing the options from the "configuration editor" which lets you change the timezone, motd, third person and other common settings. The budget line will allow you to have a fully working DayZ server with a dedicated CPU core but we will not troubleshoot issues for you on the budget line unless it's related to a patch/update not working correctly. Both managed and budget have full FTP access other then the configuration file and read only access on the critical folders (dayz/hive/mpmissions).
  15. And I'm now out of stock on the budget servers and the premium are near gone as well.
  16. Pending setups are being worked on now.
  17. Yes, Matthew Rosenblatt was the CEO of BroHoster. I was just an employee.
  18. There are no plans to expand out of Dallas as I have really good deals there with our current provider which is how I can offer you servers so cheap. DayZ consumes a lot of CPU and bandwidth - finding a provider elsewhere that can offer this and still be within a affordable price for the end user would be hard to do.
  19. Tyler Salwierz

    Wait for Host - dayzhosting.com

    Make sure your client patch matches the server patch and that you're launching the beta version of the client and not the main client. http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=How_to_install_DayZ#ARMA2_Beta_patch
  20. Hey Jack, I'm surprised you remember me! Thank you for your kind words - much appreciated :) I'd love to launch in Europe but there really are no good providers out there unfortunately.
  21. Yes, it has to be like so: DayZ - Location ID OptionalCity (version/beta buildnr) [difficulty][timezone] dayzmod.com - hosted by Customtext I actually just ran out of stock but it should be available again in a couple of days ;)
  22. Yes you can do this from the control panel. The only restricted file at the moment is the server.cfg - but you can still edit a portion of this using the configuration editor.
  23. Again our DayZ offerings are new, but you're more then welcome to read some of the feedback we have had in this thread. No.