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Tyler Salwierz

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Everything posted by Tyler Salwierz

  1. Not currently, but it's being looked into. Great to hear you are enjoying your experience so far!
  2. Tyler Salwierz

    Small tool to parse RPT file for player

    I think it's his website causing the issue and not the file. More then likely chrome has it flagged because of some prior activity.
  3. Tyler Salwierz

    Small tool to parse RPT file for player

    Nah, I've been using chrome for years and this is the first time I've ever seen this. Edit: Does seem to just be a chrome issue though since the file checks out through other scanners online.
  4. Tyler Salwierz

    Small tool to parse RPT file for player

    http://i.imgur.com/0FoG7.png This is interesting.
  5. Fixed. Just make sure you stop the server before editing it now.
  6. Out of stock :( but it'll be back in a few days.
  7. Yes but not really needed since BE is outside of the gameserver directory on my setups.
  8. I know, working on a solution for this. Not a big fan of how BE does that.
  9. Thanks, appreciate it! And I'm very happy to be here. :)
  10. Yes the budget can be up and running within the hour. :)
  11. It won't be possible. I recommend you wait until stock is available again for premium in this case. Let me know over ticket if you need a refund and I can provide it for you if you don't want to wait.
  12. We can do that but the IP:Port and Location/InstanceID will change when you upgrade to premium.
  13. Orders can still be placed. I'm waiting on new nodes to be provisioned and once done I'll need to wait for LocationID's to be processed as well. Budget is still in stock but premium is not and I can't give a ETA right now on the wait - hopefully no longer then 72 hours though.
  14. Just ran out actually. I've already ordered more nodes so just waiting on those to be setup and then the locationID's to be approved.
  15. Sure, you can ping
  16. You need to restart the server after saving the changes.
  17. I'm not going to post a clients logs publicly, however if DayZ staff wish to see them I do have them saved and would be more then happy to provide them. Additionally I was able to play on his server with no issue and they do not know who I am in the game.
  18. Once the payment has processed I can get it up and running within the hour.
  19. I just reviewed the logs and all kicks appear to be from high ping or client not responding. Why do you think they are kicking you to use the server privately?
  20. Unemployment jumped from 4.6% in 2007 to 10% or so in 2010 for the United States. Yes, it's down to 8.3% now but that's still high. I mean it's not like those 10% tried hard to get a job or anything.... they'd rather be jobless, right?
  21. Yes I can credit your account if you want to do this within the first couple of days, however I can't guarantee that stock will be available when you decide to upgrade.
  22. Yes! :) I actually had to raise the prices by $5 on new budget servers since I ended up being able to fit less then I hoped per node - it's still quite cheap though :)
  23. Tyler Salwierz

    Seeking good DayZ hosting.

    No such issues here and we also utilize Limestone Networks. ;)