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Everything posted by Holylance

  1. Holylance

    Wednesday Wipes?

    Are servers still being wiped on wednesday maintenance?
  2. Holylance

    Helicopter crash site

    So on my se3rver with persitence on they are spawning in the same lacations over and over again but the loot is not respawning. after a server restart i can go straight to where they were before the restart and they are still there but with no loot.
  3. Holylance

    Wednesday Wipes?

    Sure am lexington lodge number 1 in lexington ky
  4. Holylance

    Wednesday Wipes?

  5. Holylance

    Just now gave the 1911 a chance...

    In all honesty I have owned many side arms and the only one that i trust the most and can truly depend on to save my life is my Springfield 1911. It may only hold 7 rounds but I only need one in most cases and it is very accurate and hits like a bull.
  6. Holylance

    Just now gave the 1911 a chance...

    We were thinking on the same wavelength lol.
  7. Holylance

    Just now gave the 1911 a chance...

    Whoa now, 1911s are definitely not notorious for being inaccurate. The 1911 is one of if not the best model of sidearms ever made. You can ask any spec ops or competition shooter and most will tell you they would prefer a 1911 over any other side arm. The weight of the gun helps a lot with muzzle flip and allows you to gain sight picture and recover much faster after taking a shot. Springfield make some of the best 1911s I have ever shot and I can bust a bugs ass with one at range without breaking a sweat.
  8. Holylance

    Gots me an SKS [VIDEO]

    Hey guys managed to get my hands on an sks and posted a short video of me derping around with it.
  9. Just a warning i get pretty excited over this and i did not adjust the audio lol.
  10. Holylance


    Sorry to hear that this happened. KOS is not actually a banable offense and there really is no way for server admins to detect this. They will just post it in there server names to try and ward off evil doers but they have no way to know who is KOS.
  11. Welcome to the community. I enjoyed reading your post and will consider trying to be more helpful to new players.
  12. Holylance

    My new YouTube channel :)

    We post videos to our channel all the time in the gallery section like Inception said. BUT I WARN YOU. people will hate on you for almost everything you do in the video but its ok cause if you enjoy playing and uploading the videos then power to you.
  13. Holylance

    Electro Murder Fun Time! [Video]

    Another short video having some fun in electro!
  14. Holylance

    Electro Murder Fun Time! [Video]

    Very good suggestions!
  15. Holylance

    Electro Murder Fun Time! [Video]

    Beck thank you for not being a completely brainless fool. I know you do not agree with my play style but at least you have class and manners. You have my beans.
  16. Holylance

    Electro Murder Fun Time! [Video]

    Do not act like you have not killed someone in cold blood lol. If you have not then you are missing out on a big part of the game. I play both sides sometimes i hold them up and let them go and other times i just kill.
  17. Holylance

    Electro Murder Fun Time! [Video]

    Just running around playing having a good time enjoying myself. A lot of people complain about shooting on site and what not but if you sit here and say you have never killed a fresh spawn or an unarmed player then you are not telling the truth my friend. Not to mention that third person has been around since the very beginning of the mod and i am pretty sure everyone and their mother uses it. It is my preferred play style and the option to use it is available to everyone. I do not go into first person forum posts and complain about how much of a "Fag" you are because you restrict your vision. Really in the end it does not matter because this is the internet and no one gives a fuck about anything they say or do on the internet. ;) I enjoy playing and posting videos and frankly no matter what anyone says is gonna make me think differently.
  18. Holylance

    Finding Loot In DayZ [Video]

    Hi guys! Had some people request i do another fresh spawn video because in my last one i got a Novi spawn which people complained about so this time i spawned on the east coast and still did not have a problem finding loot. Enjoy
  19. Holylance

    New player, not understanding some things..

    Yikes! Ok so this is a lot to cover. First off welcome to the community, second i am going to recommend watching some YouTube videos. The game is unforgiving to new players and YouTube will help butt loads. I have a few channel with some gameplay videos that might help out a little. I would suggest starting here and the browse a little bit. http://www.youtube.com/user/GamingWithHolylance
  20. Holylance

    What to do if robbed by proper bandits

    This is how i deal with bandits when they try to hold me up :)
  21. Holylance

    How many hours have you played?

    150 Hours and counting!
  22. Holylance

    Electro Banditry! [VIDEO]

    A few buggy moments during this but still had fun.
  23. Holylance

    Electro Banditry! [VIDEO]

    lol yea i like third person and i die more to ladders then anything else.
  24. Holylance

    Electro Banditry! [VIDEO]

    Hey thanks for the suggestion! I enjoy 3PP on but i might consider some first person.
  25. Holylance

    Chinese Food Shootout! [Video]

    Another video of us being goofy in the standalone and getting bored ;) Enjoy.