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Everything posted by Holylance

  1. Holylance

    Expanding the map West?

    Asshat? That is fairly rude :(
  2. Holylance

    Expanding the map West?

    They did not really expand the map north. That land was there in the mod it was just forests. They have just turned the forests into villages and mountains and what not.
  3. Holylance

    Never saw it coming

    Something else is to think like a bandit. If you were a bandit where would you be.
  4. Holylance

    Never saw it coming

    Use alt and turn your head to look behind you. When ever i am running i am in third person turning my head and looking constantly all around.
  5. Holylance

    Signs of insanity

    I i always hear someone eating or drinking must be a bug. Glad to know im not alone.
  6. Holylance

    Strange Creature? Or hacker or Bug?

    They tell tales of the old green mountain. Odd things happen there...
  7. Holylance

    M4A1s are Common and Overpowered

    Have to agree with this guy. Even if the bullet did pass through your body your still fucked if its a chest shot.
  8. Holylance

    I'm new here. Hello.

  9. Yea i don't know what they mean by no guns cause every time i go to it i find at least one M4 and mosin.
  10. It can have military loot.
  11. Holylance

    Blood Type question

    Yes this is correct it changes every time you die.
  12. Holylance

    The DLC disscusion

    I would like to see other "Offcial" DayZ maps. And if they bring good content i would be willing to pay a reasonable price.
  13. Holylance

    How long till it's like the Mod??

    It will have all the vanilla mod has plus maybe more but it will take time.
  14. Holylance

    Kill on Sight - Complaining

    I do love the discussion that comes with these topics.
  15. Holylance

    Kill on Sight - Complaining

    Sorry SalamanderAnder. Deer
  16. Holylance

    Kill on Sight - Complaining

    It does not matter if fresh spawns are a threat. People hunt deer for sport and don't particularly care for the meat and you don't see the deer running around with an M4. WE hunt the players for sport because they make it easy for us to do so by being drawn to locations on the coast.
  17. Holylance

    Kill on Sight - Complaining

    Really shooting any player that is armed is what i do but sometimes when you are bored you gotta go for a hunt. Really the people that get KOS unarmed at balota should be the ones to blame. Balota is like deer bait and the unarmed players are like deer. Don't think like a deer and you wont get shot like one. Think like a human and survive by avoiding that place until you are armed. Get off the coast and stay hidden until you can acquire a weapon someplace up north.
  18. Holylance

    Kill on Sight - Complaining

    You are exactly right but there is not a lot we can do about the complaining.
  19. Holylance

    Player bodies disappear as you kill them?

    Chances are you killed them but it is a known but at the moment that causes the bodies to disappear because they cant respawn.
  20. Hey guys posted a short video showing how easy it is to find loot. I have seen a lot of people complaining about how loot works in the standalone and i kinda wanted to prove a point. Thanks! Hope everyone had an awesome Christmas.
  21. Holylance

    Gear is Not Hard to Find! Youtube Video

    Yea guess that was a poor choice of words on my part but meh lol
  22. Holylance

    Gear is Not Hard to Find! Youtube Video

    Thought i would throw a video actually showing people its not hard did it in like 30 min. Maybe someone will find it useful.
  23. Holylance

    Killed myself just to restart :D

    Yea they will add a lot more end game stuff with time. Vehicles and what not will give us something to do.
  24. Holylance

    ....Now what?

    lol A lot to improve on here but more content will come soon ;)
  25. Holylance


    I do not think this will change much considering the vanilla DayZ mod only had shore spawns. You never know though because they did add the Novy spawn.