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About Gee87

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  1. Gee87

    FR35 - cheaters - UKHC

    once again fag , read the story , the bagpack was duped due too clothing change..... so its a bug in the game, not our fault ? is it? ..... we're not complaining about the ban off the server but in the way it was done, due too the admin breaking rules..... once again phagg , sit down and keep your trap shut
  2. Gee87

    FR35 - cheaters - UKHC

    yes the bagpack was duped due too clothing changing, try it, and see how it works .... thats point one of your arguement solved...part 2 , actively seeking ammo crates, we werent seeking nothing as you can see with the crates in de57, yes we did get weapons from it , once ...how is that actively seeking? when we only found it once and fraps'd it ? .... part 2 of your " arguement " solved...now before you start bitching about admin, we did have our own server which we shut down due too hackers frequently fucking shit up ....now ... if you wanna break the admin rules then so be it, then that is classed as admin abuse, but finding a crate on a server and helping ourselves once , then if you call that seeking a crate , then your heads warped buddy ... typical american cant keep his fat trap shut :)
  3. Gee87

    FR35 - cheaters - UKHC

    yeah we should be banned for giving ourselves a chance against hackers, good shout buddy ....
  4. Gee87

    FR35 - cheaters - UKHC

    Difference is we're not spawning the crates , we're taking from them , like any survivor would do .... so stfu , and sit down , girlpants, FR140 , admin abuse powers as usual, would love too drill yourself in the face with a hacksaw
  5. Gee87

    FR35 - cheaters - UKHC

    Firstly, know what you're talking about...yes we know the crate is on DE57 , yes we did take " illegitimate weapons" from that crate, but that does not in any circumstance make us a hacker, the backpack we duped ( me and gabriel ) .... now that is also not illegal , it is indeed frowned upon , but not illegal..... :) now , too the crate, at what point does it say , bitch plz has spawned in a crate , or any player for that matter.... ?....look closely ..it says SKIP not our name with the ordnance box also...once again you have been declared wrong, and admin abuse is once again rife here...you even took the time too come into the mumble server , joking and laughin because you knew we were in the right, pics coming soon of the ban and the reasons for ban guys.... TBC
  6. Gee87

    Stay away from these guys

    well done zwarkatete, why u need too hide the debug monitor though ? ... lol you have a pistol out...when clearly an AS50 and l85 were shooting simultaneously when myself and mr pink and mr purple died.... anyway..we return too the bodies too find nothing but double barrel shotguns and patrol pack on EVERY body.... this is all strange, and doesnt add up somehow...yes fair enough you killed us, but at the same time ... its a bit weird how youre holding a pistol as i said when we died...lol also , appearing behind someone on the hill , when epic died.... it shows someone in the fire station ..... on the screen shots aswell , youre at totally different places too where we died... and there was only 2 of you ... we got eyes on you , tried too flank you , but somehow again you ended up behind us..... anyway...well done
  7. Gee87

    Stay away from these guys

    tbh though....we did take it well..we never backed out (alt F4 ) ...but at the same time its a bit strange when u spawned in ON TOP OF THE HELI , when the heli was right off the map and not at the co ords or where we said.... then to sit in elektro... and mysteriously appear behind some of our overwatch.... hmmmm
  8. Gee87

    Stay away from these guys

    for one buddy, we didnt have 5/6 vehicles ...and if you found 5/6 vehicles then youve obviously been at the wrong camp....
  9. Gee87

    Stay away from these guys

    well played mate ! , we never had any cars though fair enough you got our heli also
  10. Gee87

    Stay away from these guys

    shut up you freak, weve welcomed the chase for the past 3 hours and no one showed, Faggotry
  11. Gee87

    Stay away from these guys

    FAIL " mongols" ? ... you mean " mongos " hahaha retard
  12. Gee87

    Stay away from these guys

    go to olsha keep heading north in the open, left hand side... 6 tents , cant miss it, also has a bus at it . be our guest
  13. Gee87

    Stay away from these guys

    you shot me twice..no deaths... we took your uaz off you... gee - 4 kills ;) remember that?
  14. Gee87

    Stay away from these guys
