It's the B.E.C thing. I made a thread on it on the forum It just watches over BattlEye. If there's an issue with it, please say as there's a number of us Server Hosts who use it. *Edit* I had made that thread to double check if it was good to use ^^ Imagine you live somewhere they talk Derpish, people from Herpish come into your country and you need to learn Herpish instead of Derpish because the foreigners can't talk/write Derpish, even tough it's the country's native language. Now that would be as silly as we learning Russian on US servers so we can communicate with Russians. I understand that Russian would be allowed on RU server, just like Dutch should be allowed on NL server. I can't communicate with 75% of the Russians on the internet because they don't speak english or my native language Dutch and I don't speak Russian.