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About OxTox

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. OxTox

    Military Equipment in 1.7.1?

    Some people could have switched weapons aswell. Otherwise militairy equipment spawns are restricted too: militairy tents, firestations, hangar's, deer stands, control towers and crashed helicopter sites.
  2. OxTox

    Wire Fencing Kit

    Yeah, how do we do this....
  3. OxTox

    Just sniped some carebear.

    *rage* That anger because someone didn't like his badass portraited post. Note the amount of X's used in his name aswell, good point!
  4. If you like immersion and not knowing what can spawn where do not click this link, if you want to know what can spawn where click the link. http://picacid.com/arma2/loot_en.html
  5. OxTox

    Banned from Eu8 for russian language

    It's the B.E.C thing. I made a thread on it on the forum http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=5780 It just watches over BattlEye. If there's an issue with it, please say as there's a number of us Server Hosts who use it. *Edit* I had made that thread to double check if it was good to use ^^ Imagine you live somewhere they talk Derpish, people from Herpish come into your country and you need to learn Herpish instead of Derpish because the foreigners can't talk/write Derpish, even tough it's the country's native language. Now that would be as silly as we learning Russian on US servers so we can communicate with Russians. I understand that Russian would be allowed on RU server, just like Dutch should be allowed on NL server. I can't communicate with 75% of the Russians on the internet because they don't speak english or my native language Dutch and I don't speak Russian.
  6. Then he took a bullet to the face. http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/578955961160446052/64ED9F00F201B5D8E7E339CF813D7551CF797543/ Also Banoi Airstrip is a nice place to kill people. http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/577830229181060982/A660ECA95C53A71971069870992B128DD07C3C1B/ Also, Zombies like cars. (Is it supposed to be as dark as it is in this screenshot? http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/577830229209887627/EBE582CF965776D12538FC27EA256EFF5F9B5637/