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About Unfavoured

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    On the Coast

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  1. Unfavoured

    DayZ Stories

    Panthera, come across the C130 and the small plane in F.O.B. Boriana. Not long since spawned, had nothing on me and I was at the opposite side of the runway. I saw quite a few zombies already spawned so I was being careful and tried spotting if anyone was still around. Couldn't see anything so I carry on down the runway without a care in the world. I come to the C130 and run around the whole thing because I forgot where to get in. Realise that just opposite me, near the other plane there were 2 players that were looting before they jumped in. At this point, there was just the 3 of us on the server. So I thought, of all places, they wouldn't think I was here. Somehow they didn't even spot me running around like a bafoon. I jump in but don't turn on the engines just yet, watching them. I hear over direct that they were about to jump in, the 'leader' as I presumed told the other to jump in the smaller one because he had less experience flying in ARMA. I turn the engines on and blast down the runway, they shoot at the plane trying to disable it with a winchester. I take off, just. I got to the end of the runway and had to swerve to dodge the AC tower. I fly to the northern airfield, land it perfectly but as I get to one side of the runway, I see them in the radar above me. So I take off again as they land. They stayed on the ground for a while asking me to land so they could jump in. Even though they were bandits, I thought I would have fun with them. So I land because the cockpit is too high for them to shoot me in and let them in. When I was in the air, they said they were going to 'hi-jack' me. Which I laughed at and said to stfu and enjoy the flight. I circle the airfield and decide that a C130 can't really be hidden so I flew north, over the airfield and ejected without their knowledge. As I land on the airfield, they said over side chat that I was a 'f- noob' which I laughed at once again and told him to stop being childish. To end the moment, I fly over them in the small plane they had flown and said to enjoy the swim.
  2. Unfavoured

    DayZ Stories

    Got a few stories from last nights adventures. Part I Part III
  3. Unfavoured

    A DayZ song? Yep.

    My song goes like this: DayZ, Wubwubwubwub Wawawabrrrrrrzzzzzwawawa Zombies Wubwubwubwub Bandit shot me Thrrrrrrmmm thrrrrrmmm Don't you just love the music of today? Side note: The song was good, many beans given.
  4. Unfavoured

    DayZ Stories

    Found myself a stashed car, I know some of you will complain about this but I haven't destroyed it as it is coming in handy. The story is my failed refuelling strategy. So I was driving at night, getting away from the nw airbase, the fuel was at half a bar, decided to refuel, have no idea which way from the airbase I went so I had to try figure things out. Came to a fuel station but either glitched or wrong place. Lucky come to a big barn and find a jerry can. So now I can get further and now have 2 empty jerry cans to fill up with. A long time later, after failing at many gas stations, I end up in Elektro of all places. Having found the car after raiding the military camp, I also have an M24 and a M9 on me. I get to about the center of Elektro, trying to stick close to the train track so I could navigate without using the map, the car runs out of gas and dies there. I get out to run the rest of the way. While moving to the gas station, I hear some kind of war going on with gunshots everywhere. I dive to prone and crawl my way to get gas. At this point I get worried that my whole day will come to an end by a bandit. Gunshots stop and I hear a lot of zeds close by, stay still to get my bearings as I can't see a thing. Throw out a flare behind me and to every side to try confuse people that might be there. All of a sudden I hear a bus roaring about, someone a little too happy with it's horn, aggro every zombie in Elektro and most likely every survivor there. Thanks to this guy, I run straight to the gas, gather it and run most of the way back,stop to another firefight and crawl towards where I left the car. Fill it up with what I have and zoom out towards the gas station again, fill her up and the jerries, make my way around the map back to the airfield and see a downed chopper. My whole ordeal was worth it, I found myself an fb fal on top of this. Shame it wasn't nv but It's fines with me. Thanks to who ever left the car there, I can fix up the helo. I will have to pay them back somehow.
  5. Unfavoured

    DayZ Stories

    After being killed by some clan I decided to take a break and come back later. Now when I return it's pitch black, stumbling across Elektro after a massacre of zeds piled me, I'm on about 1.7k blood, get hit by a zed a few times trying to axe off the aggro. Get to around 600 blood and I come across a shed next to the houses on the outskirts. To my surprise I find a 1911 with 3 mags, I happily stumble across to the office building, searching for long needed beans. Find myself a Winchester and plenty of ammo, so I decide to cross over to the pub. Find a few beans and heal back to around 1300, searching for the usual tools, I find myself a knife and matches. I hear flies upstairs so I head up there. No bodies but I find an Alice pack with some gear near by, grabbed myself a map but for some reason it wouldn't let me pick up the Alice pack. Not as bothered as I should be about that, I decide I have found my lot that I need and decide to head back to the trees to log out, I come across the fire station, walked in and found myself a lot of stuff, mostly useless weapons/ammo that I don't want/need. Go back out after healing to 1600. Got to the trees further up after passing out dozens of times. Long story short, I open the map to try get myself a feel for where abouts I am, find a lot of stuff written on this map about the clan that killed me. Now I know where their camps are, their cars and which city they camp around for loot. Time to get my own back I think.