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About Jakemyers

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  1. Jakemyers

    List of items to [Trade] 5 Hours, Berezino.

    hey mate, ill trade you a DMR and a GPS for a m4 cco sd, i have alot of other stuff but thats just an offer mate. just add me on skype jacob.myers33 i can come alone and we can talk out a deal
  2. ive been playing for months. ran around with alot of people, but i want to make a group of about 6-10 people to make a camp and some banditry, im fully geared and at this point i have enough stuff to gear a few others. so please add me on skype. Jacob.myers33 <<<<< my skype >>>>>>>
  3. Jakemyers

    Looking for a Group

    hey mate, im fully geared looking for people to play with, skype me jacob.myers33
  4. Jakemyers


    -Application- JAKE is my ingame name jacob.myers33 16 L85 Sniper, recon eastern time i have school so, 3-11ish Added.
  5. Ingame Name: Columbus Age: 17 about to turn 18 Timezone: Eastern Do you have TeamSpeak: Yes Do you have a Microphone: Yes How long have you been playing DayZ: 3 weeks
  6. Ive been playing on your server for a long time, but now its been down for about 3 days, ever since .4 patch hit. id really appreciate if you contacted me. because my clan has been building up on this server and now that it is down we are screwed, our tents Ect. Skype Jacob.myers33
  7. Jakemyers

    Why this mod is failing

    Without bandits this game would be called " Running". bandits make you insecure to the point were you need to be careful. its the difference between checking your corners in cherno, and running through cherno with tons of zombies on you just collecting loot. ive played the game for awhile now, killing other players..........and being killed by other players seems to be the only thing that keeps the game fun for me.
  8. Jakemyers

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    i went to click verify and instead downloaded this, i there anyway to reverse this? i play on the same server all the time and now that server wont load for me
  9. Jakemyers

    Looking for a few friends to play with!

    nah haha, if they start fresh theres no point in being robbed ahha, anyways just add me on skype
  10. Im Fairly new with dayz but i know the ropes, add me on skype- Jacob.myers33 im online 24/7 so we can always play!