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Everything posted by MastaBlasta

  1. I played day z religiously from the getgo, I think first public beta whatever version what was, and then when all the hacking got rampant I kinda fell off for a while. With the standalone release coming its time to crawl out of the survival shelter and see whats become of the wasteland. I guess best description is semi pro. Got a good pc, rampage 4 extreme 3820 @ 4.66 stable gaming clock 2 water cooled with H60s 560 tis at 1250 MHZ core clock, 16 gigs quad channel 1866 ddr3 memory, so running the game is no issue. I am looking for semi serious people to play with, mischief being paramount. 420 Friendly is somewhat key, but I don't mind if you don't, but you gotta have safety meetings to make it through the wasteland. I generally am the francis of any group, if that helps. I am in EST and can play any night after 9pm EST and all day thursday and mostly sat and sunday. I can use skype, TS, whatever, not particular. Hell we can use steam chat for all I care, as long as everyone has a mic.
  2. MastaBlasta

    US 174 NWAF Sniper

    Whoever that was shooting at me in the GAZ better luck next time. I did wreck the Gaz tho escaping, one of the fkn runway lights on the edge of the runway. I survived with my big coyote pack i just picked up there and the m14cco and my dmr. Lost a BUTTLOAD of ammo in the gaz fire tho...I backtracked to my bus and all was well.
  3. MastaBlasta

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    If it helps against hacking without question remove it, they will get over it.
  4. MastaBlasta

    US 174 NWAF Sniper

    I was driving away like a crazy person in an erratic zigzag pattern, so needless to say I was not an easy target, and he did hit me once when I was at 200 meters or so.
  5. MastaBlasta

    The Order are recruiting 2 - 3 new players!

    Name:MastaBlasta (Hamilton King) Age:28 Timezone:EST Skype:HamiltonCGKing2012 Time playing DayZ: Some during the day, 9pm-late am mon-wed, all thursday, off and on friday and all night friday, generally go out on saturday but playing is a possibility, sunday is always up in the air. Playstyle, eg. bandit, survivor, hero, etc.:Survivor/Hero Any skills for solo play?:Rerally good at direction and lootspawns, have a really nice pc with 2 monitors and put a map on 2nd monitor, Sneaky like batman, quick-draw, good with automatic weps. Any skills that would be beneficial in a group?:Team player, well experienced in teamplay mechanics, good at assault and covering fire tactics, I have a mic. Definitely a better close quarters vs/ sniping
  6. MastaBlasta

    Player Recruitment

    I am looking for folks as well. Found some, was going to apply for SG clan but I was playing with them and was "accidentally" killed 4 times by SG members, so I would like a more close knit group that does not involve me dying a lot in moronic ways, which is just extremely frustrating. Skype:Hamiltoncgking2012 steam:ISMOKECRACK190 and I have TS as well but no server.
  7. When they killed me I was just in the middle of a field driving, not following you, and then another member killed me later as I was with another member just walking out of a barn, an "accident", THEN AGAIN after helping someone with a horde and then while running to meet back up with the people he was apparently meeting, he shot me in the back....just sayin. I still hope bubbles gets aids, he took my coyote saw and gillie....
  8. They are a pretty cool clan, and their 174 server is one of the better ones. Only thing is they will kill you, even if you are friendly....repeatedly kill you....and take all your beans.
  9. MastaBlasta

    US 174 NWAF Sniper

    I don't camp and am more helpful than aggressive. I don't camp the nwaf and shoot on sight. I always chat 1st. So yeah, I think snipers who camp loot spawns for hours are faggots.
  10. MastaBlasta

    US 174 NWAF Sniper

    Yeah snipers are a buncha faggots, he took like 30 shots at me, winged me once, maybe 3500 blood, and had no reply to my glib nice shot old boy, better luck next time. He was obviously butthurt his 2 hours of camping did not pay off.
  11. Looking for 18+ 420 friendly folk to play with. Been playing since the beginning but took a break for a bit due to glitches and hacking. Skype Hamiltoncgking steam Ismokecrack190. Mics and English are pretty much a requirement and US servers only. Play on any maps any style.
  12. Hey I am having trouble finding the server. Was playing on US 174 til it got havked. Tom gave me the pass but i cannot find it using dayz commander.
  13. I will, ill be on and off today and on tonight and tomorrow. Wjen I was talkin f2f to dude my girlfriend was jabbering at me about it being 4:30am.
  14. I tried loggin on to your server, I spoke with someone for a min about joining, he gave me the server nam, but right in the middle someone walked in and I heard little after that. I need the password i guess. Forgive me for being a tard.
  15. Filled out an app. Gonna stop by the ts server or maybe just stop into chernarus.
  16. MastaBlasta

    Group Seeking More Members

    You had me at 420 friendly. I'm in est, 28., guess I could be the bill of the group. Got a while til I ship out so I'm gaming lots. Got a beast rig too.
  17. Oh and I have a Rampage 4 extreme. All in a HAF-X. Not that I am bragging....maybe I am...but I am reinstalling day z and arma 2 so as soon as steam gets it up and going I will hop on tour TS channel and see whats up.
  18. I am interested in joining. You said you don't need those with boss PC's, well I do have a boss pc. does that rule me out? 3820 @ 4.66 560ti sc x 2 watercooled at 1250 core/shade 16gb quad channel ddr3 1866. So if you are interested, i also have about 8 TB of storage, so I could do recording and have space to spare. Generally can play every thursday all day, fridays som and pretty much every day after 9 is a guarantee. PM me here or w/e and well see what we can get going.
  19. MastaBlasta

    Looking For Mature North American Players!

    Also I prefer support/assault/medic possibly sniper. Currently have a L85. I can perform just about any role.
  20. MastaBlasta

    Looking For Mature North American Players!

    Added you to steam friends.
  21. MastaBlasta

    Team of 6 looking for more players!

    1) How old are you? 25 2) What time are you usually on? (time zone) EST 3) What is your preferred roll to play on the team? such as a sniper/CQC/looter/spotter Spotter or assault 4) What is the preferred wep you like to use? L85 5) What is your current wep you are using? Currently us the L85 6) Why should we choose you? Because if I join you I will defend you to the death and always be first in, last out.
  22. Sounds cool, I am definitely interested. Any squads out tonight that are looking for a prospective member to loot with? I am very much into the realism side of day z and have even played some arma and arma 2 before day z but never got into the community until now. PM or just reply to this thread, I will be on the net but not gaming til about 9pm EST tonight.
  23. MastaBlasta

    Looking For More Players(serious)

    I am also looking for people, Steam :ISMOKECRACK190, skype : MasterBlastar. I am currently NW of cherno and am on the higher end of an intermediate i guess, been playing a long time but until recently haven't had much time to play.
  24. MastaBlasta

    Looking to Join a group

    I am also looking for some people, looking for another?
  25. MastaBlasta

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    I would like to come by, but I dunno about all this weapon down biz. I will trade for a Gillie suit and some nvgs.