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Everything posted by elmukelmuz

  1. elmukelmuz

    NEW SHOP - TRADES - Guns/Meds/Food/Vehicles

    Just traded an L85 AWS for a DMR with this guy, no problems occured.
  2. This should go to: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/69-clan-group-recruitment/
  3. 17 from Finland would want to play with ya :)
  4. elmukelmuz

    Anyone interested in a vehicle?

    Will trade an FN FAL with 2 magazines, Thats all I can offer.
  5. Holla if you're near NW airfield :)
  6. elmukelmuz

    L85A2 AWS for a DMR

    Will trade my L85A2 AWS with 9 stanag mags for a DMR with 3-5 mags. EDIT: Trade worked out perfectly with nathanrogue, Thank you!
  7. elmukelmuz

    L85A2 AWS for a DMR

    Seriously, go fuck yourself and stop interrupting others. This is a game, you died, thats it.
  8. elmukelmuz

    Trading 2 AS50's.

    1 as50 3 mags I will trade a L85 AWS with 9 mags Deal?
  9. elmukelmuz

    L85A2 AWS for a DMR

    Nathan still hasn't traded, anyone else quick enough to do this trade before him? ;)
  10. I need some company for gathering parts on a red UAZ, and roaming around chernarus afterwards. I am fairly experienced, almost always a friendly player, and can easily win a firefight. Anyone interested in playing with me? Age: 17 Country: Finland Timezone: GMT + 2 English: Good Steam: stealthking95 <- "The Operator" Skype: elmunkelmut EDIT: I have all the parts now, Anyone wanna go loot places with me? ;)
  11. Even in the dictionary: Bandit: A robber, especially one who robs at gunpoint. Do you rob at gunpoint? No. You kill and THEN rob. That just makes you a cold blooded murderer, nothing more, so don't flatter yourself.
  12. It was me who shot you with an AS50, walsu was in the plot with me :) Now, any medics there? =>
  13. elmukelmuz


    I play ACE with six launcher and dayz with DayZCommander, both work like a dream
  14. Get over it pal. This is a game.
  15. A: Sgt. Kelmu B: Passed out, bleeding, Low on blood C: 062 076, Small warehouse D: Basic Survivor clothing, L85 Equipped Need help ASAP Im hunting a thief!
  16. elmukelmuz

    Car parts gathering & Playing Company

    Yes. That was personal.
  17. elmukelmuz

    Car parts gathering & Playing Company

    Yeah. Although to Brack I wasnt friendly, but that is a story of its own.
  18. elmukelmuz

    New DayZ group

    IGN: Sgt. kelmu Age: 17 Skype: elmunkelmut Microphone: Steelseries Siberia V2 What do you do best?(ex. medic, sniper, guard): Sniper, scout, fireteam backup
  19. elmukelmuz

    Car parts gathering & Playing Company

    Oh, also, I have a camping tent, so we could gather parts in the tent first.
  20. elmukelmuz


    If you are referring to me, I didn't shoot you for being a bandit, since I am almost always a friendly player. I shot you because I couldn't take your 13 year old voice and brain anymore. No offense. Also, if you really were referring to me, we played a couple of weeks, not a year.
  21. Hacker description: Killed players randomly, Blew up entire Elektrozavodsk, had a tent filled with hacked ammunition, bragged about hacked items Time of hacker appearance: 21.10.2012, 22:10 (GMT+2) Server during the appearance: DE758 Imagery about the hacker asking me if I want a hacked weapon: http://puu.sh/1hesF Hackers In-Game Name and stats on the player list: http://puu.sh/1hesV Hacker answering to my question "Why do you even hack?" http://puu.sh/1hetn Some BattleEye hack related kick in the chat, not our hacker though. http://puu.sh/1heu7
  22. -Elektrozavodsk Firestation(eastern one) -Low Blood Steam: stealthking95 (The Operator) Skype: elmunkelmut Quote MultiQuote Edit
  23. A: Sgt. Kelmu B: Low on blood C: Eastern Firestation in Elektro, indoors main hall D: Survivor Clothing Steam: stealthking95 (The Operator) Skype: elmunkelmut
  24. Im north of the Balota airfield, I am almost "fully" geared, including a ghillie and an AS50, 17 years old, speak good english, needing a lift to the shore near skalisty, and another lift from skalisty to NW airfield. Anyone willing? I can offer... 2-3 Stanag SD:s if you wont do it for free?