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Everything posted by CantSeeDuringKnight

  1. CantSeeDuringKnight

    Battleye problems

    Ive been playing on Us 273 for awhile and for some reason recently battleye has been frequently kicking everyone off the game because of the "client not responding" its causing major problems. For one whenever you have a vehicle when you get back in the game its no where to be found reverted back to a spot it was in 5 min ago. any solutions?
  2. CantSeeDuringKnight

    Possible admin abuse -US 273- (Video)

    You can argue whether you think it was "right" or not, but its not admin abuse.
  3. CantSeeDuringKnight

    Possible admin abuse -US 273- (Video)

    Ok listen, admins are allowed to lock their servers its not cheating. So he can lock the server if a hacker comes along. Still no proof of if your a hacker or not. So stop calling "admin abuse" before you know the whole story. You would do the same thing in this position.
  4. CantSeeDuringKnight

    Possible admin abuse -US 273- (Video)

    Alright, so I've been talking to the admin and he is not to blame, he wasn't on the server at the time you were raiding it and got a call from the camp "guard" saying he was teleported to and you were hackers and to shutdown the server. Believing you were, with no proof otherwise, he shut it down. The camp guard is not at fault either because when you have a camp out in the middle of nowhere, your not expecting someone to come up on it, I would've thought it was hackers like most people would. Your fighting a losing battle going around and raiding peoples camps on the outskirts of maps, they are going to assume hackers teleported. Hackers are to blame here.
  5. CantSeeDuringKnight

    Possible admin abuse -US 273- (Video)

    Bambi, can you do us a favor and put up the video of how you got to the camp, assuming you were recording.
  6. CantSeeDuringKnight

    Can you store a 2nd primary or secondary gun?

    If you put a primary gun(10 slots) into a coyote patrol pack (8 slots), or if there arent 10 slots available in your bag, when you put the gun in it will disappear.
  7. How can I get in contact with a server admin, I see them chatting in game but I cant respond because there is no more side chat. I need to ask him if he can restart the server due to tent/vehicles disappearing.
  8. CantSeeDuringKnight

    How can I get in contact with a server admin?

    ok so he can see the direct comm, thats what I was thinking, because there is no side chat and he was talking to people not near him. Server is US 273. I contacted him on skype.
  9. CantSeeDuringKnight

    mountain dew trade

    Do you want a gun, ammo, some other item, you tell me. I havent been able to find one and want one since they're so rare.
  10. CantSeeDuringKnight

    mountain dew trade

    I will trade you for it, what do you want in return?
  11. CantSeeDuringKnight

    Possible admin abuse -US 273- (Video)

    I can personally say that this was admin abuse, I am contacts with the admin on skype, I was playing on this server when this happened and he has had it locked with about 5 people since. I asked him if it would be up soon and he replied that moving 50 tents and 9 cars takes awhile. He also claims that you guys are "hackers" and teleported to their camp. IDK if thats true or not, but I know that this was an admin locking the server to move his camp.
  12. CantSeeDuringKnight

    How can I get in contact with a server admin?

    Just to let you know he restarted and the tents came back but the car is still missing, oh well.
  13. CantSeeDuringKnight

    How can I get in contact with a server admin?

    Ill try the first suggestion, and based off what I know you can only talk to people near you using group/direct comm.