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Everything posted by MIIKEUPSB

  1. zombiehords.com Hey guys, this is our new 75 slot rmod server! We have 24/7 active admins, 70+ vehicles, and active members. rmod brings new additions to the game that you would not be able to do with normal private hives. Our admins provide a hack free, accepting, and fun environment for all people involved. Feel free to join any time! Starting gear will be normal dayz, but will be changed if we get suggestions. Time is -10 GMT Difficulty is: Regular Crosshairs:on Nametags: on (will be changed if there is demand) 3rd person: on Down below is the way to install rmod and join our server. Good luck and have fun! Ok, this is the proper way to install and run rmod. Download Link: http://www.mediafire...5msmk8vs9jn459t Step 1: Download Rmod at the above link. Step 2: Extract Rmod and copy the @rmod folder to your base Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Folder. For steam users its under (the root directory for wherever you installed steam then) Steam\Steamapps\Common\ Step 3: In your Arma2 Operation Arrowhead folder if you scroll down you will see a "Launch Arma 2 OA Beta Patch" Right click that and drag it to your desktop and say create shortcut. Step 4: Launch Arma 2 OA using the Beta Patch launch exe. Step 5: While on the Main Screen. Click expansions and make sure that @dayz, @rmod, Arma2, Arma2 OA, British Armed Forces, Private Military Corp, Expansions, Beta are all selected and turned on. Step 6: Go to the In game multiplayer brower and look for our server. In the filter options put [ZH] in the name and usually leaving everything else alone works sometimes you have to make sure that Battleye is set to default. Step 7: Join Server and rock and roll.
  2. UPDATE: New vehicles added. Helis and uaz's more frequent. Hop on guys, it's trading weekend!
  3. UPDATE: Trading posts added. On weekends you can come trade with the clan and other people ingame.
  4. Update: Added Hueys back into the game. More heli's coming soon.
  5. For now we are starting with stock weapons and new vehicles. Server is hosted in Seattle, and 350.

    Raffling Starter Kit


    Raffling Starter Kit


    M14 or M16A4 ACOG

    m14 for pvp, its a dmr with an acog scope. The m16 is rare and a good gun, I would recommend stashing it in a tent or in your pack
  9. It's unfortunate that the AS50 is now almost as common as your average cz. I doubt anyone will trade, but good luck anyways (you might want to acquire something else to trade)

    Question about the Public and Private hives

    You can switch to and fro without problem. neither of them conflict with each other at all.

    L85A2 AWS for trade

    These guys are just fucking with you, not a lot of people will trade because of duping :( Its so easy to get stuff now

    Can I use this weapon?

    You should be safe, although many players would be against you using it. Many servers will ban you on the spot for using a hacked weapon. I would drop it. After you take a screenshot!

    Looking For a Friendly Group of Survivors

    add my skype: miikeupsb

    DayZ Novelization Excerpt

    bumping 4 awesomeness.


    1. Explore all of chernarus, then tell us its too small. 2. Arma 2's shitty game mechanics. 3. Arma 2 doesn't allow. (standalone could, but not sure.) 4. Arma 2's badness, once again. 5. Arma 2. 6. Must I say it again? Standalone will fix all of these except for 1, otherwise you have some valid points for the standalone.

    M4A3 OCC or DMR

    Is this a joke?
  17. Hey guys, I am looking for 2 or 3 people to play DayZ with. Im fifteen and have been playing the game for about a month now. Add my skype if your interested at: miikeupsb
  18. Nice video! Enjoyed a bunch. Here, have some beans.

    I have Had Enough Of This

    one more thing

    I have Had Enough Of This

    What else do you expect man. The game is alpha, and on top of that battleye is the SHITTIEST THING ON FUCKING EARTH. too easy to script in arma 2, and not enough ways to detect it. No patches EVER come out for bypasses. Just gotta wait till the standalone..

    Need an collect with Heli or Boat

    new patch man, you dont lose your gear anymore past 2.4