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Africanized Bees

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Everything posted by Africanized Bees

  1. I have been on extensive chopper hunts and have fixed up no less than 7 now. I have 2 actives currently on different servers. I have encountered every bug you possibly can with choppers and learn more each day. So here is a list of what I have learned so far, so that maybe you can avoid the frustration and hours of lost scavenging for parts that I have gone through. - Hard save your chopper like you have OCD. Whenever you are not in the air, hard save it. Every time you fix a part of it, hard save. Hard save if you sneeze on it. - If your chopper disappears after a server crash, you may have to wait until a hard reboot. Eventually it WILL reappear. This is finicky though. I had a chopper on one server run out of fuel and explode with me inside of it. The next server restart it was in the hard save point fully repaired and waiting for me. Once the server crashed mid flight. I have yet to see that chopper again... it is lost in the ether. - DO NOT SIT IN THE CHOPPER LONGER THAN YOU HAVE TO IF YOU ARE NOT PLANNING TO FLY! Check the parts status and the fuel if you have to and then GET OUT! If you are disconnected from the server while in the pilot seat, you will be ejected as if a person is already sitting in it once back in. In fact NO ONE will be able to sit in the pilot seat. - Fuck the dev that decided to spawn a chopper inside of the NE airbase hanger. No but seriously I love the devs *grumble*. - The chopper hull will ALWAYS show green even if it is damaged. Check that your hull is green in the repair list by having a scrap metal in your inventory. This may be the reason people have fuel leaks and do not know why. - If you want your chopper to go back to the last hard reset point in case of server crash while flying, do not leave the pilot seat at all. Picking up and dropping off passengers is fine. This is all I can think of right now. More news as it happens. I shall continue to tinker with choppers and flasks and beakers and green bubbling liquids. This is Africanized Bees (damn forum wouldn't let me have the longer version of my name) experiencing all of the chopper woes so you don't have to. Enjoy your strafing runs!
  2. Africanized Bees

    What skin have you found

    This is why I want to see more people "rob" players. if I had a ton of good shit and someone just wanted my ghili at gunpoint I'd give it to them. Of course they would shoot me after, but hey that's just the mean spirited lack of imagination and fun most kos players bring to the table.
  3. Africanized Bees

    DayZ Build 1.6.0 Rolling Update

    I kind of agree people should start with no weapon. prone carwl and fear the zombies! Only issue is jerks that find weapons killing the folk with no weapons. Doh. back to square one.
  4. Africanized Bees

    SVD NSPU hacked?

    So you put the insanely rare weapon into a container known for wiping all equipment on server restarts? I see no flaw in this plan.
  5. Africanized Bees

    Passwords on servers????

    Maybe they are staggering people joining to ease the hive issues? I have no issues if that is what they are doing.
  6. Africanized Bees

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    I would love it if the zombie population in cities got worse with the lunar cycle. Like "No way not going to Cherno tonight, full moon, firing a weapon is death."
  7. Renting a server from Furball, loving it so far. Very responsive and always crowded.
  8. Africanized Bees

    WTF is happening to the server community.

    I would like to see more spawns in Berezino. That place is like the Thunder Bluff of DayZ. Just an empty neglected city. let players spawn that close to the NE Airfield I say. It is the lesser of the Northern airfields and needs a little conflict now and again.
  9. Africanized Bees

    WTF is happening to the server community.

    You want game mechanic suggestions Rocket? I want incapacitating weapons and hostage taking implements. If a player does not want to play along and be a hostage they can respawn. They'd be dead anyway if I just shot them in the head. At least this way they can choose to play the scenario out or not, and die. I want more tracking methods to find people running out in the ass wilderness. Mechanics that let me actually HUNT. I want methods to place false tracks to lead hunters off the trail. I want an empty bar or trading outpost. NO RULES on it, but actual working ways to serve drinks to people and do shit like that. So the good people actually WANT to defend or control it, but they have to work for it. Things that don't force structure on people, but "sparks" or "seeds" that naturally draw players in. There's more but not unlike a grocery list, I won't remember until I have cereal with no goddamn milk.
  10. Africanized Bees

    WTF is happening to the server community.

    I think another thing that is an issue is that the term "Role Playing" is a dirty word to most people. It conjures up images of overweight nerds throwing beanbags at each other shouting "lightning bolt". The fact is, you need to re-define your image of that shit, because it comes in all flavors. The best times I have had in this game are when someone starts pretending a scenario as a joke and we all started to run with it. I mean look at this video that most of you are probably familiar with: That was a badass and tense situation right there. They didn't just mindlessly blast that fucker for his coyote hobo pack. No. It didn't look like it, but that was some fucking role playing right there, and not of the pussy variety. It's still early right now, we're only, what, a bit more than a month in? Lead by example. No one says you have to be a pussy and get shot in the face giving other people a chance. NO. You make a presence for yourself. Play a fucking role! I know it's difficult with Direct chat not working, but make the effort until it is! As hated as Legion was, when we held the NW airfield, it was a place of trade. You announced yourself, you were escorted by 2 armed guards into the perimeter. We made a point of saluting our leader. One time I thought it would be amusing to be the "over aggressive guy" and begged to shoot the outsider in the brain. "Patience" our benevolent leader answered. And the "outlander" was given his choice of bounty from our day's barracks/hanger haul so that he may spread the graciousness of our benevolent rule. One time things went sour and two guys trading with us had to be executed as multiple hostiles breached the perimeter. We just couldn't trust that they were not infiltrators. Shit got vivid! It was fucking fun, and those are the best stories I take away from this game. Not the mindless shooting people in the back. That's so empty. You build drama so that when danger happens you give a fuck. Movies have been doing it for years. Die Hard was Bruce Willis role playing. Mad Max was Mel Gibson role playing. I see players on here doing it, and that is when the game is most nourishing. Fucking join in.
  11. Africanized Bees

    WTF is happening to the server community.

    Certain things needs to happen 1. The elimination of side chat or any global chat. Isolation. 2. Only Direct chat or Direct voice. Immersion. I see the chats as a major issue. it makes DayZ too "game-y". Too many people know what everyone else is doing. people calling for help across the map. Bandits enjoying the text tears of their kills. Direct voice eliminates a lot of the "shooting people in the back" as well. It's easy to lie and pretend you are friendly in text. Much harder when people can hear your demeanor. We'll see who the real sociopaths are when this happens. Convincing, charismatic, gentlemen killers. I also foresee the shooting on sight of people who do not direct voice when challenged with friend or foe. Better go buy a 30 dollar mic from Walmart, ladies. As far as I know, and correct me if I am wrong, these chat changes are already planned for the mod. And I for one anticipate the day I don't have to read "barrens chat" while I am desperately surviving deep in the wilderness. To sum up. A lot of people are ruining this game due to their lack of imagination.
  12. Africanized Bees

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    Heatpacks should spawn at the grocery store.
  13. Africanized Bees

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    What would really be intense is infection that eventually kills the player (they respawn as normal) and leaves a zombie in their place. THAT would create some great "HE WAS BITTEN WE GOTTA END HIM NOW!", "I WAS NOT I FELL ON A BRANCH!" moments.
  14. Africanized Bees

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    The vehicles should get colds.
  15. Africanized Bees

    Please remove the flashing screen from game

    It must be a graphics card thing man. I have never seen flashing. There is a heartbeat blur effect when real low.
  16. Africanized Bees

    A public apology

    Then come play helicopters with me brosef!
  17. Africanized Bees

    A public apology

    Wild guns is a cool guy, everyone makes mistakes, most deserve a second chance.
  18. Africanized Bees

    Player corpses not appearing

    I watched one guy kill another at the NW airfield and then I killed him and his friend with my sniper. Walked over there looked in two people's inventory without looting anything, and then the third guy I clicked gear on just dissapeared. When I looked back the other 2 dudes did too. I could still hear the flies. Also zombie and gear spawning seemed screwed up for that area around the hangers too. Sucks because one of them had NVGs dammit.
  19. Africanized Bees

    -NY7 & 8- Info and awesomeness thread.

    Vipeax seriously is the man. Also I shall try your servers.
  20. Africanized Bees

    Crashed heli no loot?

    Yeah searched one earlier, no way to get a gear screen, looked all over the ground, nothing. Sad panda.
  21. Africanized Bees

    Helicopter tips and gltiches to watch out for!

    TOCMaster and unsobill, this is not a flame thread. I had nothing to do with your incident TOC, and Unso I found and repaired all of these choppers on various servers by myself. get back on topic and post any glitches you may have run into or do not post. Thank you.
  22. Africanized Bees

    Helicopter tips and gltiches to watch out for!

    Never encountered that one before. Though I do have a suspicion that flying over town to low spawns zombies and lags up the whole server. Even crashing it if not careful.
  23. Africanized Bees

    Helicopter tips and gltiches to watch out for!

    There are, but I am not willing to give this info freely. I want to study the mechanics, and honestly I have found the spots organically, which is half the fun. Wander off the beaten path sometime.