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About Cassius1988

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Gender
  • Location
    United Kingdom, Cornwall

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  • Bio
    Cornish Pirate
  1. Sign up to this server guys. Ace server
  2. Been playing this server for a while now (Kernow) and it's really fun. Haven't seen one hacker
  3. Cassius1988

    Need blood badly :(

    Did you check behind the hospital and on the roof?
  4. No I'm not a cheating fuckwit i'm afraid, this server only had 8 people in it, but yes it was public. I have another player on a private hive but I only use him when I'm playing with a friend. Good feedback though guys, it's good to know how everyone else has reacted to the combat timer
  5. Just to make it clear, this is not a whining post, just thought I would share my experience with two hackers (15 minutes ago) I just spawned south east of the NWA, and decided to check my inventory in a tree where I was completely concealed, also noting that I checked for any peripheral dots. As I was in my inventory, all I heard was bang! bang! above my head and the combat timer started, these two hackers spawned out of no where and asked me to come out and drop my weapon, so I did. He then said "take this chopper and get the f**k out of here" while shooting over my head so the combat timer resets. So they told me to run to the chopper, and I did (didn't have a choice), I then started thee old baby up and was around 500 meters from the script kiddies, and out of nowhere I begin free falling and hit the ground face first. dead!. The point of the story is, I am extremely happy that the DayZ team have touched upon the issue of combat logging because I absolutely despise it, however, I was unable to disconnect from these script kiddies because of the implementation of the combat timer and which in turn killed me. Does this mean hacking will become much harder to conquer if legit players like myself and many of you are not able to disconnect from these encounters. What do you guys think? Also, I was geared to the teeth with Ghillie, SVD camo, NVG's, rangefinders, secondary holo M4, m9 SD..... So that kinda sucked, but life goes on. Would be interesting to see what you guys think of the new combat timer.
  6. Double clicked by accident. Original post http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/104236-held-at-gunpoint-by-two-hackers-combat-timer/
  7. Cassius1988

    Extremely slow loading time then freeze

    Please get off these forums. No script kiddies thanks.
  8. Cassius1988

    Remote control hackers?

    A post made by Soppa on the forums. This is what you scummy people do to DayZ players.
  9. Cassius1988

    Remote control hackers?

    Well I have come across countless script kiddies that nukes the whole server or transporting players into water. I really just don't understand why you do it, myself and the majority of DayZ players just want to get immersed into the game and enjoy it, but hackers ruin that fun for everyone. If you're that bored with the game why play it? or do you get off on trolling legitimate players?
  10. Hey Mac, I just emailed you regarding two places for a mate and I, we are both from the UK and are 24 years of age. Would be so good to join this private hive, absolutely sick of hackers on the public hives, also the idea of players bodies still being there after alt-f4'ing is great. Would be great to hear from you and hopefully get online tonight. Cheers
  11. Cassius1988


    Hey Glyphyy, Would love to join this server, and maybe become admin. Pm me please cheers
  12. Cassius1988

    Battle eye failed to update..

    Hey man, I have had this problem plenty of times. Basically when you enter the player setup screen, wait for it to say 'updating battleye' (bottom left corner) and it may take a minute or two to update, shortly after it should say 'battleye updated' and then 'battleye initialized'. Once that is complete you can enter the game. Hope this helps pal
  13. Cassius1988

    Tent/Vehicle loot save's!

    Yeah this has happened to me very recently. It even copied an extra tent (win) but also deleted a few items. Go back to your original camp area and it should still be there mate
  14. Cassius1988

    Goodies give away (No strings attached)

    Yeah man completely serious. Absolute nightmare having camps you never know if your player is gonna be wiped upon entering a server, or a server restart wiping your tent. I'm gonna wait until standalone. Hazza.... any progress?