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Everything posted by angelus.

  1. angelus.

    saving cars

    right. well let me throw a twist your way on this. about five days ago i was working on the exact same car on the exact same server in the exact same place. i left some gear in it and saved it about ten times. i couldnt really get back into that server until today and when i got there, there were no repairs to the car and all the gear i left in it was gone. how do i know this wont happen again
  2. angelus.

    US 2099 HUGE campsite

    a camp in that location is asking to get found. pretty stupid
  3. angelus.

    need a tent

    hey everyone. it takes sooo long to find a tent (only have found two in my two months of playing so far) and i play by myself and was hoping to set up camp because my old tents didnt save :( i was hoping someone here would be nice enough to give me a tent (if you had two to spare that would be fantastic). i dont have much to give in return other than a couple ak mags or a bloodbag and morphine. im not trying to ambush anyone, im just a lone wolf trying to survive in this world. if you shoot me, i hope you have fun with my crappy guns lol. hopefully an honest player can help me out here!
  4. angelus.

    need a tent

    well youre lucky then. i never find them :(
  5. angelus.

    need a tent

    the tents dont save??? :(
  6. angelus.

    need a tent

    im also near vybor atm
  7. angelus.

    I have completed DayZ

    this thread did not deliver
  8. angelus.


    i was also lucky enough to come by one of these at a crash site the other day. now if i could only find some damn mags :(
  9. angelus.

    teleporting to the coast

    ive never come across a ghillie suit and have thus never worn one. so i doubt its a problem with that
  10. angelus.

    teleporting to the coast

    in my case, alt+f4 had nothing to do with going back to the coast. i properly aborted when i was done and i came up on the coast the next time i logged back in. im glad im not the only one but i just want a damn fix
  11. angelus.

    I just found 2 mountian dews

    right after i found my first mountain dew, the new patch came. i logged out and logged back in later in the day and i respawned on the coast. mountain dew.....stay away....
  12. angelus.

    Script restriction #87?

    also getting the same problem :( any fixes?
  13. angelus.

    Do I need to update something? O_o

    IF i even make it past the 15 minute loading screen, i load into the game running like 5 fps. unplayable. i updated and everything. grrrrr
  14. angelus.

    Respawning on the beach

    this is a really big issue that probably should be addressed quickly. i will not keep playing if i get respawned on the coast each time i log in. its not okay.
  15. ok so im from wisconsin, usa. around here we have a lot of rolling hills and farms and big open fields. and everytime i drive around all i think about is like how this would be just like dayz if the zombie apocalypse happened. anything like this happen with other people?
  16. Dont be an asshole? I ran into the same problem today. Logged in Berezino and got some lunch, came back 30 mins later to a different server and spawned in Elektro. I'm not a very happy camper right now, especially since I was on a mission :(
  17. angelus.

    comparing real life to dayz

    you live an interesting life my friend... ;)
  18. been playing for a couple weeks now and me and a couple friends finally decided to start a small camp. we have a tent we're trying to place and we've tried MANY places to no avail. we took the tent to place it above krasnostav and that didn't work. we took it to the mountain territory above berezino and that didnt work either. we literally tried soooooo many places, even in the middle of a clearing on flat ground with no trees close. at times it wasnt even letting me place it down on flat cement. like wtf??? i tried the "take a few steps back and try again" trick and that didnt really help me out. what can i do?
  19. angelus.

    Power facility being put to use.

    would be an interesting concept. probably would only help the snipers who like to go to cherno and elektro though. itll be like day in the city for the snipers to look into, while they still have the cover of night. i could be swayed either way on this i guess
  20. angelus.

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    i am also located in berezino still. maybe you could come and make a stop for me and Goodsoup?
  21. angelus.

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    hey there all. need a bandage and a blood transfusion. im in the northeastern military tent in berezino
  22. angelus.

    Vybor Sniping

    for people coming from the south, its kind of like a last pit stop before you head into the NW airfield.
  23. so ive played this game for around two weeks now and i feel i have it down for the most part. i played with a group of people during this time which was actually quite fun, and we learned a lot playing in a group, but alas it seems as if their attention has turned to other things already and i'm looking to move on, and actually progress some more. so lets cut the crap and get to some of the goals im looking at now: * find a suitable place to set up a camp * locate and repair some vehicles * search for and raid other camps (which is why we need vehicles) * gear up * make special trips into target areas or towns so we can keep our camp stocked up * any other things that are important that we may have to do PLEASE READ THIS**** this is the most important part of the thread right here. i live in wisconsin, USA and am looking for other people who can usually get on around the same times that i usually play which are: * almost every afternoon starting around noon till whenever (if i have work it usually starts around 4 or 5) * i usually do things with friends at night if im not working but i usually log back in around midnight(ish) or even as early as around ten or eleven and then play till around 3 or 4 in the morning. im 20 years old, i like to have fun, but im really not looking for anyone under the age of 18 please. i'm also looking for someone who has some experience with the game (preferably at least two weeks like i have) and knows the ins and outs of this game. oh and you must also have skype so phew....i know thats a lot of writing but im looking for certain things from the people who may be interested. if you fall into all of this stuff leave me a response with your skype name and ill contact you asap!
  24. oh, and i will also stop looking for people once i get a good group of 3 or 4 or 5 going. thanks!!
  25. angelus.

    Vybor Sniping

    i lol'd