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About Ohelig

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I can't help you with the disconnecting, but you should know that there isn't any blacklistng, banning, or ANY punishment for disconnecting or crashing yet. They are only tracking it to gather data. Even if you did get banned for crashing, you could appeal it easily by having them pull up the logs. Someone disconnecting within seconds of logging in is not the behavior of and ALT-F4er
  2. Ohelig

    Graphic bug

    This is already a thread. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/48514-crazy-graphical-glitches-after-updating-to-1724-and-95389/
  3. Am I late to the party? I also have this problem on my GeForce 9800 GT. Firmware version 301.42 I have noticed this problem with this card before (I have 2 9800 GTs, different manufacturers and only 1 slot, so I can't SLI them) in Minecraft. Anyways, I got this problem in Elektro and Balota Airfield. There was a high amount of barbed wire in both. Off-topic, but I eventually switched cards and got so much static while playing this game, I had to switch back to the one I am using now.
  4. Ohelig

    NOOB Question

    You need to use your scroll wheel on the bag, then select "Take ALICE Pack" edit: Ninja'd
  5. Ohelig

    This is hilarious.
  6. Ohelig

    "Player XXX died of a Heart Attack!"

    They don't need to die of a heart attack, but the character shouldn't disappear until that timer (now taken over by the server) hits zero.
  7. Ohelig

    What gun did you find the first time?

    I was in a barn and first found a Crossbow but no bolts, so in the same barn I found a Lee Enfield and a mag. I died an hour later due to my graphic card failing and I couldn't see shit. I thought it was part of the game until the artifacts were still showing up after the game closed.
  8. Ohelig

    Option to spawn with friends!

    You realize that people could just go to servers with the Spawn with Friends option enabled, spawn, then go to any server regardless of if it allows spawning with friends?