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Everything posted by RedDedZed

  1. The KoS with no reaction to a careless action is problem. Create a system, like PTSD. Killing people should reflect mental state after you lose you humanity and morals. Creating a more hostile enviroment should deter some of the kids to stop playing this like COD. I wish this game would be more a Zed Survival sim than every other FPS. Right now Zed are little to no problem, crawl or crouch to avoid and if you pull run through bushes. I shoot Zed only if i feel like using the stockpile of ammo i have. Basing this on your humanity level you should suffer from a number of problem as you become more of a psychotic killer, general ideas i had was hearing ghostsounds like opening soda cans or as much as hearing gunshots around you. I would like input or altered concepts, but i think this should be close and sublte to what PTSD does IRL. Just giving a deterance to not be a gunwielding idiot that calls himself a "bandit". No im not crying about being killed by these individuals, i just want this game to be much more difficult so people feel the need to band together, or i can have a reason to help people that are not in my group already. If a new player is being chased or got himself in a spot of certain death, i would be more than happy to help out if it wasn't a 90% chance this novice will freak out and shoot me, deters me to be human and preserve our race. Give us a challenge other than " If i shoot it will mark me as a target for any trigger happy noob with a lee to sit and wait for me to crawl in a room." I enjoyed making an operation to Bzino to get antibiotics for a teamate coughing. Establishing overwatch, Squad formation and hoping for a quick in and out mission for supplies. Didn't go that way at all when a noob with a Doublebarrel decided to shoot a friend, huge mistake on his part but still he chose to fire with out thinking. I don't mind bandits that set up roadblocks or actually steal and not murder for a chance to get beans. Zed drop beans too lol. Basicly i want the game to reflect realism, since to a bandit it is totally real and justified to kill every living thing in sight. You can not fight most bandits because, if they wish, they can just server hop, change names, or abort bomb, which eliminates any bad rep these problem children have. Also rather than call each other carebears, put up suggestions to add to this. I could care less what you think i am or how i play. If your ego needs the boost then help yourself to catagorize me :)
  2. This is from the Broken Humvees you find at the military areas. should be a top priority fix for the Devs, prolly will be a hotfix this weekend or next week
  3. RedDedZed

    Any new players want to team up?

    I'm part of a small group of experienced players looking to expand and flourish. I am 22, and our team locations span from me( Las vegas) to Norway, so we usually play on east coast servers. Right now we are playing hardcore expert server (Zed are harder and no 3rd or CH). Usually we stay away from servers that have anything more than 3rd person enabled. We are serious but not regimented, Most of the time somthing ridiculous happens that ends with us laughing our asses off. Ill be on later today to message ya on skype
  4. RedDedZed

    Has DayZ made you laugh out loud?

    Genius sir! Best thing i have heard for a while. Last night was the end to one of the longest life i've had yet. Progress of about 2 weeks, i was decked out in almost everything thing this game has to offer (MK 48, NVG, rangefinder, ghillie suit, GPS,etc literaly the only thing missing was a compass for some reason). Anyway my team end up with a Ural, UAZ and me on a bike (this is a different story on how i lost the bike), we did the whole convoy thing till we found a site to hide the ural while we went to search for more tents in the UAZ. Both vehicles almost full we began to transfer the gear to the ural. This is what i started to do (standing outside the car, while the driver is still in, waiting) while standing on the drives side searching the gear. It was a night time server and i was the only one with the nvg. All i hear is the driver say im gonna hop out and help( me thinking nothing of it). As soon as he gets out, i hear my guy scream bloody murder, bones cracking and i fall over then see a YOU ARE DEAD. Every one else freaks and assume a shooter. 2 mins past and no shots, then i ask my friend " did you hear me die when you got out the car?" he said "yea, it scared this shit out of me". i congratulate him on his murder as we laugh to tears, on the irony of my death, considering all the stuff that has happened to me before on this guy. As they offer to grab my stuff and bring it to me, i say "you keep what you kill" (awesome movie reference) which made my night.
  5. To get things straight, I love this game and it has great potential to be a stand alone game with unique aspects. I understand this is Alpha, but this is prime time to experiment and sample all avenues. Community suggestions work well to advance the game in a favorable direction. So lets do that and only that, this means we are not going to assume things of other members, give tips on how to play, and definately not argue about the Bandit/ survivor issues. I want this game to pose more of a challenge, by that i mean that i want to have something in the game other than hunting the less fortunate player. PVP is a huge part of the game, but i want this to not fall into a run of the line FPS and right now it seems that way. From you the reader i want Ideas, your input is valueable as a tester. What i dont want is one sentence replies either to attack on troll another individual. I ask readers here that are actually serious about this game's direction to ignore and move on. After all they just want attention, i will try my best to keep this post on track. :)
  6. hmm my poll has gone missing.....
  7. The whole killing for beans will finally be true tho lol. People say that now and i laugh cuz it's nearly impossible to go hungry or thristy, so at least they won't be lying to my face. They were actually hungry :). The Zed i want to be a threat, right now they are trees that growl at me. That was the first thing in my head :P Also the whole IED pvp is to set a feel of risk when looting camps or putting tabs on building, if say you want to lock down a town with to create a road block ambush. I can see where this can get out of had seeing the primarry use of wire fence is to troll and be and idiot. The enviroment is not hostile at all. If this is not a survival game then why is step 3 on the main page "survive"? Right now Zed are only there to indicate if some one has been there recently, 9/10 it works. Shooting my loud ass gun in the middle of town doesn't pose much a harm to you, more so if im the overwatch for my team and on a roof. Im saying this game is so easy that the only challenge a normal player has is to PVP for little to no gain. For me that is not even a challenge anymore, i want the game to be hard enough that killing is needed to survive and not cause its a KoS community. Make the game harder, people will band together, not every one will have the same idea (perfect example here) and this will cause unity and division. Don't worry im not trying to get rid of your precious shoot em up game. I just want a challenge on my end.
  8. Plz refrain from one liner with no suggestion or new ideas. Thanks
  9. making this multiple choice doesn't help. this poll is to make you choose on one idea that is best in your opinion, choosing everything bolsters the poll and gives no real answer. one choice makes you decide carefully. Giving an option of the game is hard enough, contradicts the whole poll and post, if you dont want the game to be harder then don't submit a vote. I state what i did in the OP due to failures in my previous post. I dont want to trail off in arguements that are offtopic and hostile. I left of my input on these ideas in the OP to see what assumptions or suggestions other members have without thinking of trying to combat my input. I know my input and will respond as i did, i made this to see who agrees and where. (Also with no particular content on the OP i see a less chance to get a constant one line response of no)
  10. I would a assume russian health is simular to US, saying that you are checked for blood bourne ailgments, like aids. Shareing needles with a survivor could be a good example for your suggestion. I was thinking along the lines of you are not in a clean enviroment and you have a high chance of bacteria infections etc.
  11. Yea im not saying you will get PTSD from digital murder, i agree i feel no remorse gunning down people, but im not the guy to offer hey guys lets camp cherno for the lawls. Yeah i liked the skin change for humanity, did feel it was a bit touchy, kill one guy you are a bad man, isn't true. I thought since that was done and gone, i wouldn't revisit old experiments. However i see the majority of replies are from people reluctant to try new things, or "pros" deciding to give tips. If i wanted tips i would be in the New player sub form Mr two. I was not in the slightest bitching about pvp, but that is the only challenge this game has to offer and that is not even a challenge at all. I'm stating i like this game and what it has to offer in the future, i would like to help develop the game in a new direction, rather than have is fall in line with a traditional FPS. Anyho I'm gonna swap to a less hostile post to calm down the Raging PVP Zealots. Feel free to come by and drop a suggestion your input in appreciated Joeseasyrida!
  12. Recent posts rambling on what Zombies are or not, constant butt hurt over the thought of reactions to actions (the majority fixates on defending banditry which most who replied i could say don't have the right idea on what a bandit is, also that isn't being discussed, nor the pvp system as a whole), and the one line garbage from certain individuals ( Really if you are to busy to reply in a coherent paragraph that has actually a developed idea, don't bother and wait till you are not so caught up in your own world, we don't want to burden you to the point you blurt out the first thing that comes to mind). I tried keeping you on track to brainstorm how to make the game hard, But 90% seem to focus on my opener and turn into Sheep, not thinking and following the post ahead of them. Constant disreguard on any new subject due to PVP bickering, i decide to cut ties here and start fresh. You Ladies and gents have a great day :)
  13. Well maybe i should change the Title since you guys seem to be guns up in defense over something that i am not even attacking. I have Zero issues with bandits or pvp. Maybe the part i stated earlier of you not reading everything still applies. I'm saying this game is too damn easy, i want game mechanics that strech beyond "oh man i am hungry", the onlt hardcore thing about this game ATM is permadeath, and thats not even that bed honestly. Like i said i can grab a lee in 2 mins and play a normal FPS in Cherno. You know, i would rather support new ideas then the conventional shoot em up game, hence im presenting them. I would like to see more traps, less obvious tents, making lean-tos, Checking can foods for pop lids (indicates Festering Bacteria), what you should be doing is adding not subtracting. If the system i orginally stated affects everyone then why are you saying it only punishes bandits? You should read what you said the Requirements for PTSD since you are such an expert, Extreme stress, Fatigue, being on a Battlefield, sounds like all those fit under a Zed apoc situation. Constantly under fire, Friends you love dieing around you, can not get more than 4 hours of sleep cuz you need to keep an eye out for hostile people. If you have a hard time reading my post, the least you can do is read your's. Intaking morphine at illregular periods and excessive use leads to addiction, Tolerance, or even death, people use these like candy in the game. But i guess you know better than to overdose, seeing you are such an expert on these things. Are we all perfect humans in this game? I want the game to give me a chance to make a choice and have consequences on both ends. Oh my i seem to broke my leg for the 3rd time, well i could take another morphine since i got 5 in my pack. I never feel the effects such as pain and broken legs in this game cuz i can grab and alice pack and hit up medic boxes all damn day to fix up after a firefight. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morphine And punishing Bandits ingame is another issue, Shoot and D/c, 8/10 do that. The fact you can change your name at will, makes tracking impossible. Please read and/or think before you make an arguement like that. Glad you agree with the Blood trans, we shouldn't have magic potions that heal us to full in a matter of seconds. Im mostly Dedicated medic in my team and yeah no issues with broken legs or having anything short of 12k blood. I feel like the medic in BF with Defibs, no one dies as long as i get there.
  14. then you and your buddie above you don't have to waste you time posting. obviously you don't read more than one sentence of a post. So please don't strain yourself. i stated numerous times i have no problem with PVP or actual banditry. You see what you want cuz some word set you off. rather than being a close minded ass, think of alternate system to bring realism and consequences to the game. If you are so damn butt hurt over your wonderful CoD playstyle being changed slightly of what not, you are as bad as people not wanting pvp at all. I also think we should eventually have drug addiction from morphine and pain killers, have Blood types (funny to give some one the wrong blood) or gain infections through transfusion. Please i would like ideas to make this game actually hard. I want to fight for survival, not a top score for this deathmatch game you scrubs play. And yes I have not a doubt in my mind this has been stated before, but that is not reason to give up and roll over for the KoS CoD kiddies. Which also i have no doubt you fall in that catagory if you think hearing ghost sounds will drive you insane. Get a grip kid, look at the big picture instead of your murder count on the Debug monitor. Which i think kills and murders should be removed so you can't use it as a "kill confirm" scan. I am sad to see the majority of the community that comes to read are: People that don't read the whole content, Calling people noobs for suggesting things to make this game actually hard, or the people that can't even form an arguementive stance a shake there head and yell no like a 3 year old. You "bandits" have your own post to gloat about your kills and what ever otehr pow-wows you kids do, please don't waste your time if its such a problem to you. Unless you are the socially deprived individuals i've been describing (not actual bandits) and just want attention, well I won't take ya on a date or anything, but i guess i could indulge on your need to get social justification from others on the internet of why you are such a PVP pro, (insert Ego boost here). Other wise please suggest something useful :)
  15. Im saying you are fine with in game mechanics telling you one thing but when it hinders your kill count, it's bad. Clearly you missed what i was saying, i did not think it was that cryptic. For you ill make it simple, clearly we should consult you when drawing a line of what game mechanics should dictate or not. Seeing you will lack morals on a world that you have no solid identity, i don't blame you for being a manhunter. It's like saying don't have Cops in GTA cuz i don't like that they arrest me. IF i could possibly pursue these poor excuses for bandits i would. Till then i would say we need a Humanity system that actually has meaning other than a heartbeat then you never hear. I love firefights and PVP but just having guys shoot at me while the other part of my team is right on him already. Really? If that is Realism, i feel damn sorry for the lot of you "bandits", cuz you will die when push come to shove, every single time. Fun hunting!
  16. You are forgetting that you can change your name at will. so i can be a complete butcher on a server, relog, and say hey guys im friendly. Sad part is the people that troll cherno and such find that entertaining, but thats fine, it is thier play style. Simply trolling by shooting harmless targets that just started and then swap servers shortly after, yeah i see zero reaction other than finding a server for more kills or thinking of a new witty name. It just proves nothing and leaves people with a bloodlust and lack of trust. Tonight we actually found a friendly in cherno while my team went to regear two guys that got hit by the problem we are discussing. This guy did act like an idiot and shoot first, we told him there was a M16 in the firehouse and waiting up for him to get the weapon. The rifle was on the top floor in the tower, i watched him go up through the windows as i approach the future commrade. Seconds after i hear a full auto AK and see the top floor light up, We toss a chemlight and checked the top floor from the roof level. Sad to say we lost our new guy and the "bandit" D/Ced as usual. I could careless of handing this scrub a taste of his own BS, but the fact now we got another new player with broken trust. As my friend stated, He prolly thinks we laid a trap for him, which wasn't the case. Im sorry Cherno guy on 1145 some people just like to cause people grief. Moral of the story, the are next to null consequences for senseless murder. Im stating that was not Banditry what so ever. Most encouters i have are with people that think they have a jump on some one, they dont look around noticing that there are 5 others moving with the person they see. you know why? They are aready aiming down the sights. I want you to tell me that is not mindless killing, they get so focused that the mind shuts down and they don't see anything but a kill count. How is this not like a generic FPS? Im perfectly fine being bested from bandits that take time and think. I have yet to find that, so i leave all those firefights with pity for the greedy murderer.
  17. You are once again assuming i don't know how to play this game. I don't need tips, i don't need to avoid pvp. i could do what all you "pro bandits" do and sit around and wait for people to kill. That gets boring fast, if i wanted deathmatch i would play anyother FPS. This game offers something different but i don't see anything but a thrist and hunger. "pros" camping isn't any diferent from CoD or BF
  18. Why should the game tell me when Im hungry or thristy, when im not. People won't get tired of running, injured when shot, or cold when they are in the rain at night. According to your logic we should all be perfect examples of lone survivors, which is not a simulator in the least. I don't have a problem with most bandits, and i think you guys have me as some sort of carebear liberation leader. Im saying im stuck at playing your Deathmatch game because of said actions being commited, i understand its a game and you feel little to zero regret for gunning down your fellow man for funnzies and a good K/D. I would like to help out new guys and such. you guys are hindering every other playstyle with you mindless slaughter, so you contradict yourself when you claim im punishing you(or im talking about god smiting you). this is subtle deterance, a idea that should be developed or branched into an new concept. Other wise, Rocket should stop claiming this is a Zed survival game, and label is another FPS like the rest but w/ zombies!
  19. That seems a lil OP and annoying if the individuals play at night vision w/ NVG. Also would be forceful choice of religion onto the player which isn't right. I do like the thought of this system goin both ways. :) lets keep the ideas flowing ladies and gents.
  20. I love your signature cuz you won't accept a challenge as simple as this. the only people crying in this post are the "bandits" that think they shouldn't have consequences for thier actions.
  21. ha yeah im so bad at this game that i want to make it harder. that makes sense. please don't waste your time on these posts, you are way too pro for us if you can assume i suck at a game because i suggest reactions to careless actions, minimal intervention that it is noticable but does not affect you aim nor stats. and when your humanity goes up, your conditions go away, it is a deterance for people to grab a lee and sit in cherno. You are not pro nor cute, more or less a waste of space. You commit murders or mass murder (get them killstreaks cuz ur pro), im sure you will feel remorse or grief, i don't see why you are so close minded on testing new things. last time i waste my time with you "uber pro" bunch that claims murder is banditry, try looking up a word once before you use it :) Say something with meaning and an actual concept vs your thoughts on how much of a noob or carebear you think I am. You could give me a laugh and threaten me with an AS50 tho, funny stuff, big talk from a man that hides in a bush and camps.
  22. Not at all saying you will cry in the shower or anything. but im glad to hear there are a bunch of Stone cold killers on the net. Honestly mindless killing in dull and pathetic. Back on topic, feel free to offer alternate system to negate this easy mode deathmatch game. I want this game to be a challenge and not have to result in target practice unexpecting survivors. Any way this is a suggestion forum for an alpha game, why not try new things. Rocket states that this is a Zombie survival sim, so lets make it one instead of a Deathmatch with hunger and thrist.