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Everything posted by skiim

  1. skiim

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm down at 067097, the houses near Zub castle...I am willing to give what I can for some help, I have only 1k blood, broken legs, broken arm. I really don't want to die!! help?
  2. in the actual game I mean\ Didnt read your post too well I guess, but ya it doenst show up for me either. I just connect to whatever, back out and filter in game
  3. Server just got thunderdomed....can the host please do something about the hackers?
  4. there are 2 helicopters ripping around tearing people apart...
  5. Would like to hear about your bases or ones youve encountered. Can leave server etc out.
  6. skiim

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    What server are the medics on? I Would like to help out sounds fun
  7. Let's hear some stories.. I know freeside trading has a couple servers and they have bazaar sort of events each wkend...Hero of Canton did a vehicle give-a-way...what are some other servers that do cool stuff?
  8. well what is the server??