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About pesticle@gmail.com

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. pesticle@gmail.com

    Graphics bug. Never got it. ever

    My processor is same, same OC and everything. Must be your vid card?
  2. pesticle@gmail.com

    The Two Dumbest Bandits in Dayz

    they're bandits.
  3. I'm afraid you'll never make it
  4. pesticle@gmail.com

    Global Ban for everyone ... Yeaah

    Clearly they were all hacking then :rolleyes:
  5. pesticle@gmail.com

    Wow... i really cant believe it.

    I didn't imply he wasn't. And you didn't really disagree with me ;) I call em like I see em. Maybe you're not an asshole? I'll keep a look out
  6. pesticle@gmail.com

    Wow... i really cant believe it.

    I can't describe you in one simple sentence based on the handful of posts I've seen you make, that's probably a good thing.
  7. pesticle@gmail.com

    Why i stopped beeing nice to people...

    Basically that's the way it goes. The same asshole complaining that you shot him on sight saying that you're a dickhead bandit will shoot you in the back if you risk your life by giving a blood transfusion, or if you group up with him and he decides he wants your gun/backpack. It is what it is. I might trust someone just for a change if I recently respawned but after I get some good gear that's the end of that, I try to stay hidden from people and kill when necessary.
  8. pesticle@gmail.com

    Wow... i really cant believe it.

    Don't mind buffjesus, he's a "know-it-all" with one mode: condescending.
  9. pesticle@gmail.com

    Check out this d-bag scammer on steam

    Surely you jest, sir
  10. pesticle@gmail.com

    Zombies are most likely the biggest threat..

    The zombies are slower than ever, still can't walk in buildings, and can be lost in the nearest tree/building. I'm not trying to brag, I'm just saying zombies aren't a problem for me as long as I have a bandage on me, otherwise they don't pose that much of a problem even if I just spawned fresh on the coast.
  11. pesticle@gmail.com

    People in this game are just complete dicks.

    It happens all the time in this game, people will join a group and play with them for awhile, then when the new guy has a bunch of zombies aggro'd on him, some asshole in that group decides they want the new guy's gear right about then, when he's busy fighting zombies, they shoot him in the back a few times and it's gg.
  12. pesticle@gmail.com

    Will trade AS50 for M24

    I meant what's the reason you want to do the trade? Just curious.
  13. pesticle@gmail.com

    People in this game are just complete dicks.

    This also isn't your forum. Is it DayZ related? Then people can bitch about it here if they damn well please. As for you OP, don't trust any snakes in this game. There's no accountability on the internet. I play with people I know in RL, I trust them, in addition they know if they fucked me over I'd get even real quick..
  14. pesticle@gmail.com

    Zombies are most likely the biggest threat..

    I disagree. Using a bit of planning, I can crouch run/walk through cherno easily, going prone only when absolutely necessary. Even if you aggro a zombie they aren't hard to lose these days, much easier than previous patches. Also, zombies never see me through buildings and I can stand up and walk right behind a zombie that's looking the other way.
  15. pesticle@gmail.com

    My secret for a quick gear up

    OP and his supporters are pathetic