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Posts posted by schiz0phren1c

  1. Lol,

    wall of text crits for over 9000!

    I read it all though and got a good laugh out of it,

    there are hospitals in other towns too man,

    I had to play a game of chicken with a guy in a small town around the hospital and supermarket the other day,

    I had a broken leg,and neither one of us was an Alt f4 pussy,so we stalked each other around for an hour,

    ended up in a Reservoir Dogs moment with us pointing our guns at one another,then agreeing to each grab supplies from the opposite end of the hospital...

    was cool as fuck,tense as fuck,but I usually get in and out of the hospital without aggro or cool stories(bro's) :)

  2. Probably will, since you're a loner and don't actually care about anti-grouping mechanics being implemented because it doesn't affect you. Don't pretend there's any other reason, you just want more opportunities to catch other people alone while trying to reconnect with their group. Allowing players to choose their spawn is exactly what should be implemented. Solves the problem Rocket is having and continues to promote group play. There would have to be obvious conditions to this, such as you certainly cannot spawn somewhere you just died(even if you start with nothing, it'd be bullshit for you to run into the area you died, find a gun, and kill that fellow who just killed you).

    Selective spawning does not have to be ridiculous. However telling somebody they have to run from Kamenka to Berezino since they were the only member of their group to die.. you don't find that ridiculous? And enough of this 10-15 minute walk. That is not even remotely close to the time it takes, even if you could bee-line straight to it.

    Here here!,

    you have my beans man,

    as I said in another post "there's a fine line between HARDCORE and TORTUOUS"

    DayZ already straddles that line in too many ways,

    a spawn point option doesn't have to detract from the hardcore elements of the game,

    but frankly,"superhuman runspeed" or not,there are way too many long runs with sweet fuck all to do but stare at the trees in this game already.

  3. There's a fine line between "hardcore" and "tortuous",

    and this crosses it in my opinion,

    personally I think we should be able to choose our spawn location,

    so people who want PvP can spawn at the usual spots and wilderness/survival buffs can go elsewhere without being noobkilled.

    There's already enough pointless running in DayZ.

  4. Really? I've never seen one. Just cows, rabbits and the occasional goat.

    Yeah they're quite common in the woods, 4 juicy steaks on them when you gut 'em,

    they are dark brown and don't flee when you approach so maybe that's why you missed seeing them...

    of course you could just be a "city slicker who ain't hardly never lived off the land or rassled a bear"! :P

  5. Could you expand on your thought-process a little, here?

    I feel confident in my understanding of his vision because everything he says might as well had been me talking, because he shares my preferences amazingly well. He has said several times what he wants to do with this project, I have listened to all interviews I know of (the latest being with some youtuber (codsomething, cba to look it up atm) and the one before that was with the guru-guys (just a few days ago) where he stated he will not compromise in his design for authenticity above all else. He also voted in a poll about horror-elements that he prefers non-supernatural horror (which he expanded on in I believe his latest interview by saying he consider the infected type of "zombies" more terrifying because they are believable).

    Now, until there's a source to the claim that he suddenly changed his mind in the last 2 days, I'm gonna keep calling BS to this claim.

    Maybe that video-clip more appropriately describes your situation atm.

    Let me explain,

    you come across like you're a cocky bastard./end

    normally I'd answer you a little more indepth,but I'm in the middle of a game so I'll have to make it short,

    "your claims to know exactly what Rocket has planned make you sound like a real douchebag" is as far as I can go,

    and the video,the boys all go "OOOOOOOOH" when Rory Breaker displays a lot of arrogance in a short span of time,

    like you did in your first post, your second explained your though processes,but still displayed the same "I know everything" arrrogance,

    simple as,

    and your attempt at rebuttal based on the video(which you admitted you didn't understand) was feeble.

  6. As long as this topic keeps coming up I will keep saying that I want more wildlife in general. I think the wilderness is just too boring. Some different trees and wildlife would make traveling much less tedious. I don't know how many animals are in Arma but I would love to see:



    -Wild boar



    We already have Wild Boar.

    quite ironic given your signature :)

  7. Source or I call BS.

    Actually, let me call BS right now because I feel pretty confident in my understanding of Rocket's vision..

    sorry about this Athrins,

    but this line "because I feel pretty confident in my understanding of Rocket's vision"

    deserves one of these...(49 seconds in)

  8. For the people saying the antibiotics don't spawn in the boxes, that's not true. Every I've found antibiotics, they were in one of the boxes. And for the guy saying antibiotics wouldn't be that rare in real life, I think they'd be extremely rare in a case like this. As soon as the zombie disease/virus started, hospitals would be trying to treat people with antibiotics. And once society has completely collapsed, antibiotics would be worth more than gold.

    And yet stuff like Epi Pens(people would use them to try and revive people) Morphine(Imagine the pain of being bitten and slowly succumbing?)FRESH blood packs not in freezers,and fresh bandages are somehow exempt from your reasoning?.

    It's either ALL as rare as hen's teeth,or should have an equal chance to be there.

  9. Suffering the same at the moment,

    this sucks monkey ballbag mang.

    guess what?

    antibiotics aren't that fucking rare in real life!

    every hospital should have some,

    if there are so many morphine syrettes still around during a zombocalypse there should be titloads of unclebiotics.

    ah smeg it.
